Chapter 1:You And Only You

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Rihanna's POV

"We're beautiful....... Like diamonds in the sky!"

"Thank you Birmingham you've been amazing!" End of the show finally I can sit down haha. This crowds always been ratchet every time I come they didn't even stop shouting and screaming when I was off stage. It had been a good show to play but god did I wanna get on that tour bus home! DWT had already ended it New Orleans but RocNation said I could play another show in Birmingham coz of the hugeeee demand over here and I agreed. As I took off my outfit and Yousef sorted out my hair I checked my phone 47 messages. As I scrolled through 20 of them were off Chris! That boy don't know when to stop! Most off them where "how you doing" "Wanna come hang out with me and Momma J" and the final one "Why no reply? :(" He nows I'm playing a freaking show the idiot! I texted back

"Hey I can fly to Momma J's tonight?" I mean not like I wanna see Chris I just like Momma J's cooking....Okay so maybe I wanna talk to Chris. He's being having a tough time recently with rehab and stuff so I need to see him.

"Okay Rob all done you can head home" Yousef leant over my shoulder

"Thanks boo but no not home yet, heading out to Virginia first"

"Virginia hey? Waaaiitt you meeting up with-"

"NO! just catching up with Mom Breezy" I didn't want everyone to know Chris was gonna be there especially with him and Karruuu whatever her names is Tramp  still during together ugh that gurl.

"Righhhht well have fun"

I got up out Yousef's chair hugged him and the other guys and girls before going to thank the band. As I walked through the corridors to my bus a fan was jumping up the freaking window! I couldn't help but laugh as they tried to get my attention. As they jumped up I blew them a kiss. Now for the fun part getting to my bus without being squashed by amazing yet crazy fans. My 3 bodyguards tried to hurry me out but I still wanted to stop and wave to everyone

"Sorry Miss Rihanna we gotta keep going!" The one bodyguard hurried me along.

I was on the bus. Finally time to get some rest- *bleep bleep* Chris had texted back

"Yeah yeah! See you tomorrow babe xo" I do find it cute he still calls me babe but he best watch out with Tramp you only have to look at another girl! I called out to the driva

"Hey driver!"

"Yea Miss"

"Shut Up and Drive me to the airport!" The bus laughed and started singing shut up and drive, I shook my head

"Who stuck me wid you lot eh? Haha night"


Chris' POV

Yes! I'm so happy Robyn still want to know me. I best call up Momma.

"Chris Angel! What's up"

"Hey Momma listen, Robyn should be coming up to Virginia tonight! She'll be here tomorrow"

"Don't be joking with me....are you serious?!"

"Yes Momma I'll come up to you now Bye Love you"

"Bye Angel Love you"

My Mom LOVES Robyn sometimes I think more than me!


Karrueche POV

I heard Chris upstairs on the phone to his Mom. I only had to hear the name Robyn once to make me head upstairs. I stood outside a little longer "Yes Momma I'll come up to you now Bye Love you" What?


Chris POV

I got up off my bed to head out the room when the door opened. K walked in

"Hey Babe" I walked over to her

"Hey ummm what were you talking about to your mom" Woops. Lie or come clean in this one Chris?

"Well er Robyn just finished in the UK and She's hanging out in Virginia and is heading up to my Mom's"

"Oh right so why you going"

"Well you know she is my friend..."

"And only that right"

"Course babe you and only you" I didn't want me meeting with Rob to hurt K I just wanna see a friend....or that's what I keep telling myself...


Karrueche POV

I hope he is god damn telling the truth about this. It was nice when he said 'you and only you' he's so cute sometimes my babe


Thank you for reading! Be sure to read the next chapters!

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