Chapter 16-What's Love Without Tragedy Part 2

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* I should warn some people may find this chapter very upsetting* 

*Few days later, Rih about 22 weeks*

Rihanna POV

I had been in a Fair bit of back pain an the baby hadn't been moving around for a while now. I had been getting worried about some blood coming out this morning to but we were due a routine check today anyway.

"Will they do another scan Rob" I hadn't told Chris about my worries, I didn't want him panicking and stuff so soon after settling down again

"No, but I want them to"


"Just to be sure"

"Sure of what?"

"Just to be sure Chris not everything has an answer"

"Okay okay" He playfully punched my arm as we pulled up to the hospital. I went into the waiting room while Chris checked in. As I sat down I heard somebody shout

"Rihanna!" I looked up to see a little girl running towards me


"Oh my god you ARE Rihanna!"

"Yes I am hehe" She hugged me

"Whats your name then"

"Rachel, I have to go amazing meeting you!" She must have only been about 7. At least she hadn't twigged onto why I was here. Chris came round the corner.

"We can go straight in babe" I got up and walked into the room. My hands were so sweaty with nerves.  

"Ah Miss Fenty" I sat down

"So how have things been" Chris sat on the chair by me holding my hand. The Doctor put a stethoscope on my belly

"Well I have had a bit of back and leg pain...I discovered some blood this morning" Chris turned to me frowning, I knew he wasn't going to be happy that I hadn't told him. The doctor pulled away to note something down

"Why didn't you say something Rob?" I hugged his arm that he had across me

"I'm sorry bae,I didn't want you to worry" 

"Is there summit wrong doctor?" Chris put his other hand on my belly. 

"Well yes" He typed on the computer

"Uh well what?"

"Miss Fenty, would you like Mr Brown with you?" I looked at Chris

"For what and yes"

"I need to book you for a scan immediately" 

"Uh why, what the fuck is wrong?"

"Blood is not a good sign and I can just about find baby's heart beat" Chris squeezed my hand so tightly.

"Try listening again" Nothing was THAT wrong, I would have known wouldn't I?

"Miss Fenty-"

"No no" I put my head on Chris' shoulder. This WASN'T happening. 

"When is the scan please god" Chris looked up

"I can get you in right now" I couldn't do this. The doctor opened the door

"Miss Fenty?" I  got up and wiped my tears. Walking down the corridor I stroked my belly. My little girl. She was okay. She is okay.

*20 minutes later*

"Okay Miss, we are fast tracking your scans, they could be here today or tomorrow"

"Tomorrow!" Chris was so angry

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