Chapter 29 - Cold Case Love

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Chris POV

I took a seat on the lounger and took my shot. Drake remained standing up. He swayed slightly on his feet leaning against the barrier.

Chris: So

Drake: Want another one

Chris: Ha no I came to talk not drink

He stepped back into the apartment and returned with a bottle of vodka. He began filling my shot glass

Chris: Man I can't-

Drake: Last one

He sat down in front of me looking down. I put the shot to my lips

Chris: Shit how strong is this!?

Drake: Calm your balls down, 60%

I shouldn't be doing this man. Momma and Robyn were going to be so mad after I'd been doing so well

Chris: Soooo uhh where Kae

Drake: Huh oh uh she's uh well I dunno she didn't come back yet

Chris: Oh right

Drake: Fucking around with you and Rih wasn't cool and sorry for that by the way

He took down another shot before filling another

Chris: Not your fault she's a bitch haha 

He remained silent. I tapped my fingers waiting for him to speak

Drake: So uh I just wanna clear the air I guess

Drake POV 

I had to keep him talking for as long as possible

Chris: Oh uh right

Drake: We've both said and done shit

I felt my hands begin shaking again as I looked back into the apartment.

Chris: Huh you can say that sure your okay man something seems up? Is it Kae or what man

Shit shit.

Drake: Uh uh yeah we just argued pretty bad but that don't matter

I looked down at the floor trying to hide my uneasiness. I couldn't mess this up.

Rihanna POV

I woke up to find my hand was no longer on Chris' beating chest. I quickly checked my phone for the time. There where yet more messages from...him. Almost 9:30pm. I could hear the TV on downstairs. I rolled out the bed and slumped down the stairs. Momma J was sat in front of the TV with a hot chocolate.

Joyce: Sorry honey was it on to loud

She reached for the remote

Rih: No No momma I was just wondering where Chris was

I sat by her side

Joyce: Oh didn't he tell you

I shook my head and lay back. I noticed a scratch on my arm from earlier.

Joyce: Drake called him-

I sat back up immediately.

Joyce: He wanted to talk, sort things out I guess...Which is good right?

I frowned and shook my head

Rih: Something's not right momma why would he call like that?

Joyce: I don't know honey, he and Kae are together ain't they? Maybe he feels bad about all the things they've done

Rih: Yeah but why-

Joyce: I don't know sweety but let's trust Chris yes?

I nodded slowly. Drake wasn't the type to admit to mistakes let alone ask people to forgive him.

Rih: longs he been gone

Joyce: In don't really know honey, 2 hours

I slowly rubbed the newly discovered scratch on my arm.

Drake POV

He let another shot slip through his lips.

Drake: So yeah I hope things are better between us at least, I doubt Kae will wanna do something like this

Chris: Nahhhh fuck dat bitch and yeah, were cool bro

He stuck out his hand

Drake: You best be getting back then

He stood up and stretched. I made sure I got to the door before he did so he didn't look around or anything

Chris: Can I use your loo man

My heart jumped

Drake: Uh uh Sorry no its broken

Chris: How you taking shits then man haha

Drake: Ha it uh only broke earlier , see you yeah

Chris: Aight man

I quickly closed the door as he left. I slumped down to the floor leaning against the wall staring at the bathroom door. I rubbed my face before slowly walking over to the bathroom. She still lay lifeless. Why did I expect something different huh....

Rihanna POV

I was putting my Pyjamas on when I heard the door open. I raced down the stairs. Chris stood rubbing his eyes.

Rih: Well? You were gone long enough

Chris: Sorry babe he was just talking a lot

He stepped towards me

Rih: Chris? Have you been drinking?

Chris: He gave me a few shots-

Rih: You KNOW you can't drink right now Chris!

Chris: Babe it was just-

Rih: He knows it to, can't you see he ain't ever going to be tour friend

Chris: Well actually were cool now

He tried to wrap his arms around me, I stepped away. Momma J remained sat watching us

Rih: Cool? That's what you think Christopher, friends don't stalk there friends girl or let them drink when they've been to rehab

He frowned. Shit.

Chris: Stalk? What, what you on about

Momma J now sat up

Joyce: Robyn?

I swallowed and sat down


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