Chapter 32- Oh My Love

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Rihanna POV

It was obvious Chris was doing his best to hold his emotions of anger and sadness back as we drove home. I turned on the radio to break the silence. Pills N Potions came on. I picked at my nails as we drove. Chris started mouthing the words to the song. We drove along the smooth Virginia highways before getting stuck in traffic, Chris tapped away on the steering wheel

Rih: Maybe we should get back in the studio for awhile?

If there was on thing that was gonna help him, both of us, would be music

Rih: Y'know just us 2 messing around like it

I stopped mid sentence realizing what I was saying

Chris: Like it used to be?

He stopped tapping 

Rih: Like it still is 

He leaned his head against the window with a small smile. 

Chris: Yeah, just you me, an empty studio-

He looked across at me

Chris: And the fun bits in between

The traffic began moving again as I laughed and thought about the old studio memories with Chris. He put his foot down and began tapping the wheel again. Splats of rain began falling down onto the car as I looked out the window. What the hell had gone on with Drake and Kae? I believe Chris when he says it wasn't him, he wouldn't lie to me.....again...

Chris POV

I know Robyn was doing her best to divert my thought from everything going on but it was always the first thing that came into my head when I dared to think about something. She is dead. Killed, Murdered. And I'm meant be the one that had issues with her...

Drake POV

I turned off the loud car heater and turned up the radio. I'd moved the car forwards slightly so it was concealed by a tree. I kept refreshing and refreshing twitter. Thousands of people were tweeting me messages full of "Sorry for your loss" along with the headlines of Murder? I shuddered and looked around the dark trees. I went back onto my phones home screen, staring at Robyn's perfectly curved body on the wallpaper. All that being wasted on some excuse for a "man" and he calls himself a REAL nigga? I slid the phone back in my pocket as Stay began to play on the radio. I would have her soon enough... she will love me like nobody else.

Chris POV

We arrived back at Momma's house. At least we would be out of here away from the limelight soon when we go to Barbados.

Rih: I'll have to go to the station tomorrow to tell them about Drake and, and the shit he's been sating to me. I can go on my own so you don't have to go through all that again

Chris: No No I'm coming

Rih: Babe I don't know if-

Chris: Robyn.

She adjusted her hair and sighed

Rih: Okay

I put my arm around her as we walked up to the house

Chris: I love you

She looked at me with suspicion

Rih: I love you to....what brought that on?

Chris: I don't tell you enough

*Next Day*

I woke up to the smell of coffee. A steaming cup sat at the side of the bed. Rob was in the bathroom with the door open

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