Chapter 26- Hard

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*Few weeks later,End Of November*

Chris POV

We had to wake up earlier to catch our flight to Virginia. We were gonna hang out with momma J. We would be there until the 20th of December when we would all go to Barbados for Christmas. We had to talk about a few ideas we have seen as she's my manager to. For once, I was first awake. I sat up and watched Robyn as she slept. Her perfection amazed me, her beauty shouldn't be possible. I threw on some clothes and double checked my bags. I felt a soft, smooth hand run down my leg. I turned and saw Rob reaching out from the bed

Chris: C'mon Rihanna ya gon be late

She laughed as she always did when I called her Rih

Chris: Rihanna ,Rihanna

She buried herself under the covers. I got on top of her trying to get the covers off her

Chris: Rih, Rihanna Come on Rihannaaaaaaaaaaaa

She lifted the cover off her face

Rih: Shut yo whiny ass!

Chris: Oh sorry Rihanna but come on Rihanna

She put her head under the covers again laughing. It was times like this I loved. Times where I could be myself she could be herself together. I got my phone out with the camera on. I pulled back the cover to her laughing face and quickly took a photo.

Rih: CHRIS!!! 

I ran out the room. I heard her get out the bed chasing after me. I uploaded the photo to instagram as I ran "Someones happy this morrnninnnggg

Rih: Chris please don't I Look horrible!

I stopped and turned to face her. She ran up to me trying to grab the phone

Chris: Babe, babe

I grabbed her waist and pushed her aginst the wall

Chris: You can't look anything but perfect

I kissed her. Hard. She led me back into the bedroom

*A few hours later* 

Chris: Aye come on Rob

She came down the stairs in tight, like tight, jeans and and a low slung vest top...

Chris: Side boobbbbbb

Rih: Thought you'd like it

She bit her lip

Chris: I ain't complaining

Rih: C'mon then light skin

I took her bags off her and walked out to the Lambo

Chris: Ah shit my baby!

Rihanna POV

I stuck my head out the window. Chris was leaning over the boot, almost hugging it

Rih: Nigga what you doing!?

Chris: Its fucking scratched!

I rolled my eyes and scratched. I sometimes wondered if he loved this car more than me

Rih: Chris, its a car

He sighed before shuffling around to the drivers side

Rih: You really tripping over a car?

Chris: Leave me alone bitch

A small smile came to the side of his mouth. He loved messing me about. I pulled on his cheek.

Chrihanna Fan Fiction-Fool In Love DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now