Chapter 22- Crawl

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If we crawl

Till we can walk again

Then we'll run

Until we're strong enough to jump

Then we'll fly

Until there is no winds

So let's crawl, crawl, crawl

Back to love, Yeah

Back to love, Yeah

 Rihanna POV

We sat in the waiting room awaiting to be called. I looked over at the the other remaining woman. She was still staring at the exact same spot as when we walked in

Rih: Are you okay? Uh lady?

She looked at me

Lady: Fine.

She looked away again Chris scrunched his face at her, I laughed. A different nurse emerged from behind the door

Nurse: Robyn and Chris?

Chris took my hand and stood up.I remained on the chair.

Chris: C'mon babe, sure your okay?

Rih: Yeah just y'know, preparing myself

I took in a breath, gripped his hand and stood up. The nurse smiled at us as we walked over.

Nurse: I'll lead you down

She led us down the corridor to the door to the Doc's room

Nurse: She's in there when your ready

She walked away leaving us outside the door. I looked to Chris to find him already looking directly into my eyes.

Chris: Ready?

Rih: I think so

He quickly kissed me before knocking the door 

Doc: Come in

We walked into the room. The walls were bright, like bright, orange. There were 2 seats set out in front of the doctors desk. She must have been in her early 30's and sat with her feet on her desk. 

Doc: Welcome welcome sit down

She put her hand out for us to shake as we took a seat.

Doc: Soooooo, obviously know who you are-

She leaned closer to us and put her hand near her mouth whispering

Doc: I'm a big fan, but shh unprofessional

She tapped away on the computer. She seemed nice and relaxed. Chris was still holding my hand tightly. 

Chris: So what happens now doc?

Doc: They told you I'm a doctor huh?

Chris: Uh yeah, ain't you?

Doc: Nu-uh honeys I'm a counsellor, they don't like saying that because it makes people feel labelled as a person who needs help, they only feel labelled because other people say its some kinda bad thing 

She lent back in her chair and held out her arms

Doc; You can call me Mar, Marie Marina by the way

Chris: Uh right

I laughed at him. He didn't know what to think. I liked her, she didn't seem all official but knew what she was talking bout, I felt comfortable. 

Chrihanna Fan Fiction-Fool In Love DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now