Chapter 25- Don't Judge Me

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*September 10th (Girls have gone BTW) Day of interview *

Rihanna POV

I sat in front of the mirror, powdering my face. Chris was putting his jeans and shirt on.

Rih: Keep your shirt off for a bit...oh and stand there so I can see you

He smiled and walked over to me

Chris: Anything for yoooouuuuuu

He held my waist and rocked me side to side

Rih: Aight lemme get ready...Bring me up some alcohol

Chris: Girl its 9 am!

Rih: So, just cause you county boys cant handle a few shots

Chris: okay okay

Chris POV

I was trying to seem as relaxed and normal as possible for mine and Robyns sake. I knew she was nervous but she always puts up a front, I can see through it. I poured out some shots, these island gals huh. I took one down before taking 3 up to her

Rih: Thanks babe

Chris: You look stunning baby

Rih: Awwww, you can put your shirt on now

I laughed she quickly ran her fingers down my chest

Chris: You still feeling good about all this?

She put down the make up

Rih: Uh Yeah? I think so it needs to be done

Chris: Yeah-

I took her hand

Chris: And were doing it together, remember that

She smiled and took the shots

*Few Hours Later*

Rihanna POV

I called Malcolm to come collect is and take us to the studios. I'd slowly being getting more nervous as the day went on but I knew Chris was gonna be there for me. 

Chris: Babe Malcolms here!

I sprayed Rogue 2 more times and went down the stairs. Chris was stood at the door with his leather jacket on...Dammnnnnnnnnnnnn

Chris POV

Robs came down the stairs in short, tight red dress. I suddenly felt a little hotter

Chris: Well do you come here often

She looked down in a cute embarrassment. I opened the door and put my arm around her

* 1 hour later * 

We rolled up at the back of the studio. Loads of fans surrounded the back entrance behind barriers. I got out the car, Robyn stayed close under my arm. We both flashed the crowd a smile and wave before being hurried into the building. We were taking down some halls to our dressing room, right next to Ellen's

Crew Member: Ellen says she'll come see you in 10, show starts in 40 minutes

I nodded to him and took a seat on the couch. Robyn stayed sat up, biting at her nails

Chris: Okay babe

She didn't reply

Chris: Babe?

Rih: Huh, oh yeah yeah fine

Chris Come here sit by me oh your my fantasy

She laughed and sat by me

Rih: That your net single

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