Chapter 15- Take Care-Part 1

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We had it all in front of us

You were the one

I was in love

But you always hurt 

the one you lost

I couldn't get enough

You were everything

That's bad for me

Make no apologies

I'm crushed...

Black and blue

But you know 

I'd do it all again for you

(From "All Again For You" We The Kings)

Rihanna POV

I put the phone down on the table. What the hell was that all for. Was he trying to make me leave Chris? No no he wouldn't have asked all those questions. I opened the door and went into the kitchen to grab a drink. Chris wasn't in there, I called out


"What." He was upstairs. He'd replied sharply

"Come dowwwnnn" I heard him come down the stairs so I turned around. He walked in with a right face on him

"Wrong with your face"

"Heard ya conversation"

"That don't explain that face" He looked up right into my eye

Chris POV

Was she being serious? I tell her I heard her talking about Lovin Drake and she STILL plays it off
"Don't fuck around Robyn"

"Chris I don't understand what's wrong?" She moved closer to me. I turned away and lent against the counter. 

"I heard you say you got some kinda love for him"

"What!?" I put my head in my hands

"Pease don't lie Robyn! I fucking heard you!" She put her hand across her mouth, tears began to roll down her cheeks.

"I'm not lying Chris....Don't you trust me?" I turned to her quickly

"Then why did you say that?!"

"BECAUSE I STILL CARE ABOUT HIM" I put my hands on my head she pointed right at me and her accent came out thick

"AND IF YOU AIN'T GONNA DEAL WID ME CARING FOR SOMEONE ELSE OTHER THAN YOU THIS AIN'T GONNA WORK IS IT!?" I tried to take her hand. Why is it always me? Always the one who ruins it all. She pulled her hand away

"Robyn I'm sorr-"

"You can't stand the fact I care for another person in the same way I have always cared for you huh"

"No Rob"

"Because I told you I would ALWAYS be there and guess what I'm gonna tell him the same, problem with that?" She gritted her teeth

"No babe" I tried to hug her again, this time she walked out


Rihanna POV

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