Chapter 4- Hate that I love You

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Drake POV

I'm so happy to be singing with Rih and yes this might give me a chance with her. Hopefully I can play my cards right.

Rihanna POV

"Thanks for everything mom breezy" I gave her a kiss

"Love you" I then turned to Chris unsure what to do. I threw open my arms

"Bye Breezy boy"

"Bye bye Rihanna"

Chris POV

She always laughs when I call her Rihanna hehe. I'm sad to see her go but she can't be here forever I guess. I just hope Slug eyebrows don't try anything with her...

*Next Day *

Rihanna POV

I arrived in Paris an man it was cold. I hadn't really told anyone what I was doing here yet so I decided to text Mel just telling her will make sure everybody knows soon ha.

"Hey girl listen I'm supporting Drake in Paris tonight see you soon xo" It wasn't long to get a reply!


"I'm just supporting him now bye xoxo" I got in the car to the venue and asked for the radio on "Sweet Love" came on and I sang and hummed along

"Just so we can make sweet love" It was then my phone rang

Chris POV

"Robyn's left one of her bags mamma"

"Oh well can you call her up so she can come by and get it soon?"

I called her

"Her forgetful Fenty you left one bag here" She chuckled

"That's where my shows are then haha" It was then I heard my song playing

"Umm is that Sweet love?"

"Hehehe yeah apparently your famous and there playing a Chris Brown hour on the radio" I smiled

"You don't get your own hour I bet huh not famous enough" She laughed

"Whatever Breezy, see you soon"

"Bye babe" To be honest, I don't know why I call her babe I guess it just feels right. I slumped myself onto the couch

"I'm heading over to the mall Angel are you staying here?"

"Yes momma see you" I flicked on the TV it blurted out

"Rihanna Sighted in Virginia!" Oh god

"Superstar Rihanna was seen heading towards the ,Mother Of Chris Brown,Joyce Hawkins home it is unclear whether Mr Breezy himself is in Virginia but if he was Rih didn't stay long as she was seen in Virginia Airport later in the day reports suggest-" I turned it off. Here for one freaking day and the press are turning up stories. I went over to my laptop and onto Twitter. There was the usual mix of tweets

"Go beat Karrueche" "Stay the hell away from Rihanna" "Go back to rehab breezy" "You and Rihanna are perf for each other" Everybody tells me to stay away from social media but I feel as though these are the fans I am meant to be pleasing but so many hate me! I punched the sofa as someone sent me THAT pic of Rihanna bruised up. They were a Chrianna "fan" saying "Why can you do this to Tramp" I loved so many of my fans sending me support and love but today it only seemed the haters. I kept scrolling down. Hate.hate.hate hate. I got up and grabbed a bottle of vodka out the fridge


Rihanna POV

Well, Breezy hour just got kinda tough. I always hurt when Please Don't Judge Me plays. I know how much Chris was hurting at this time. Thankfully we pulled up at the venue before we got to the chorus. There was tons of reporters and photographers. Fantastic. I stepped out a shoved out my elbows and pulled my top over my head. Ain't nobody getting pics of me today!


Drake POV

Rih had arrived and I was excited for the show. We can only have one rehearsal because of the time but we should be good. I saw her battling her way through the media outside. I couldn't see her face but that body looked great. As she walked in I opens my arms "Rih!"

Rihanna POV

Once I'd battled my way into the building I saw Aubrey. He stood with his arms open "Rih'

"Hey Aubrey wass up" I lightly placed arms around his waist but boy did he clamp his around me!

Drake POV

I held her as tight as I could. It felt amazing even though Rih was barely holding me.

"I'll show you to your dressing room"

"Yeah sure"


Rihanna POV

Well thanks for picking up my bags. I tried to grab as many as I could before calling him back to help me

"Aye help me with these?"

"Huh oh yeah" He grabbed them all and set off backstage. I followed close behind as people called out to him but went silent when they saw me behind....did I have something on my face? I checked in the reflection of a window. Nope nothing there maybe it WAS just me...

Drake POV

I wanted to take Rih to her room so we could talk and see if I have a chance with her. I wanna be with her so so bad. I should be able to get her interested I mean I doubt her and Breezy are chatting much after his rehab. I opened the door to her room and lay her bags on the table

"Here you go; I'm right next door"

Rihanna POV

"Thanks" It was quite a sweet dressing room sofas,tv,fridge good compared to most. As I unpacked I noticed Aubrey staring at the floor and then his eyes would quickly look at me before turning away again.He then spoke

"Listen, can we talk?" I was kinda took back by this

"Uhh yeah I guess" I sprawled out on the sofa.

"Its just, well"

"Come on Aub"

"Well I: I'm still really into you Rih. The day we split up was the day my heart crashed down to the floor" God this guy is full of cheese sometimes.

"And the only way I've picked it back up now is knowing that you might feel the same way; that we could have something?" Wow.Okay so I wasn't expecting that

Drake POV

I can't believe I jut said all that! Rih was just kinda looking round this was slowly becoming a very awkward silence

"Er so yeah that's just how I feel but it doesn't matter"

Rihanna POV

This is like summit out Romeo and freaking Juliet! With this guys cheese. Do I love Him no way nooo way. But of course I'll always care for him, we were together at some points in out lives.


ooo the drama ;)

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