Chapter 30- Should Have Known Better

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Rihanna POV

I sat on the chair and picked at my nails.

Chris: Robyn? ROBYN?

He put his hand under my chin to lift my head to face him.

Rih: Dra-Drake hasn't stopped texting an calling me telling me shit

Chris: What shit

He kept his hand under my chin

Rih: H-how he still loves me...more than you do and that he think you'll-

My voice cracked as I felt cold tears fill my eyes

Chris: I'll what!?

Joyce: Chris!

She took his hand away from my face before putting her arm around me.

Rih: He thinks That you are just tryna control me and-

Chris: What the fuck!? That punk ass nigga needs to watch who he's fucking talkin bout! Have you replied to him?

Rih: Well y-yeah to-

He grabbed his coat and slid the car keys off the counter

Joyce: Chris! Christopher!

He slammed the door behind him. Fuck Fuck FUCK! I should have told him! I opened the slammed door and ran down the driveway as he was getting in the car

Rih: Babe please where are you going BABE!?

He sped off the drive. I felt mommas warm hand on my shoulder.

Joyce: C'mon honey, I'm sure he will be fine.....

Rih: Momma you don't sound to convinced yourself

I moved away from her touch and walked back into the house. I walked up the stairs and lay on the bed. Chris' recently sprayed cologne was still fresh in the air.

Chris POV

This niggas got a nerve. Think he can suck up to me but be playin around with my girl!? He can suck my fuckin dick! I pulled up outside the apartment complex. I jammed the elevators penthouse button. The door slowly opened. I put my hand on them to push them open quicker. The doors reopen to the door to Drakes penthouse. I smashed my fists against the doors as hard as I could


I waited a few seconds before doing the same thing again. I couldn't hear a sound from inside the apartment. I stepped back and charged at the door. The hinges flew off. The apartment was in complete darkness. I found the light switches on the wall and flicked them all on. I opened the door to the bedroom. Empty. I opened the bathroom door. WHAT THE!?

Rihanna POV

I lay on the bed with one of Chris' cigarettes, lit, hanging out my mouth. I hoped for Chris' sake Drake wasn't there as much for his. My phone began vibrating along with my 'Nobody's Business" ringtone. The caller ID was

My light skin Breezy <3

Rih: Chris

Chris: Rob.. Rob fuck man

Rih: Chris what have you done!?

Chris: Its not me its shit man its Karrueche

Rih: Wh-What the hell you on about!?

Chris: Karrueche is dead.

My face dropped.

Rih: Whaaaaaaaaattttt!? Where the fuck are you!

Chris: At Drake's, I found her here fuck Robyn

Rih: Uh shit man uh uh call an ambulance or something, I'll be with you in a bit

I slid the phone back in my pocket. I took a moment to process what he had told me. Karrueche. Karrueche Tran; Dead? I wiped my head before calling momma up the stairs to tell her

Chris POV

I moved my fingers away from Kae's neck. She was stone cold. I called an ambulance as Robyn told me to. I walked out the bathroom with my hands across my face. What the fuck had happened man!? I was here with him and then Robyn tells me this shit and then Kae is dead!? I sat on the couch awaiting the ambulance. I though about everything that had happened....He didn't want me here to talk did he. In the same way he didn't want me in the bathroom....


Has Chris realised Drake's plan!? Short but oh well ;) Vote and follow! Ellie xx

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