Chapter 19-Farewell

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*Funeral day so obviously sad*

*2 days later*

Rihanna POV

I woke up early as the funeral director was coming around at about 9. I slipped into some jogging bottoms and a slogan tee. I looked across at the empty bed. Stop it Rob. I sat down in front of the mirror. Fuck makeup. Who was I tryna impress now huh. I put in some bird earrings before slipping on my favourite ring. A ring Chris had got me. Why was everything reminding me of him. The whole point of this was to clear my mind!

*1 hour later*

"She can be buried in Barbados so my family our always with her and then when I finally get a few days off I can go to Barbados and hang out with everyone including her" I was setting out the plans clearly to the undertaker. My momma and Mel were flying back to Barbados today, I was going in a few days when the funeral was

"And the service itself?"

"Well religious and well uh, horse drawn carriage,the father is gonna carry the...The coffin and uh just short and sweet I don't wanna be there for long" I hadn't spoke to Chris about any of the plans. I was trying to detach myself from him...from the man I loved

Chris POV

"Hey Momma has Rih called you at all?" She shook her head through the open window. I was desperate for her to talk to me. I understood how she felt right now but I'm never in a good place without her. I must have called her about 100 times only to hear her automated sweet voice 

"Heyo this is Robyn I either can't answer or don't wanna fucking talk to you ahahabyeeeI'd been trying to get my mind off all of it making up random dance routines to songs out by mommas small pool.None of it was working. I couldn't help but keep seeing her hazel green eyes in my mind. Our beautiful baby girl. I sat down and dipped my feet into the water. My phone began ringing. I answered so quickly, in case it was Robyn, I didn't see the caller ID.


"Hey Chris!"

"Oh Cody,hey"

""Oh sorry is this a bad time?"

"Nah, wass up"

"Well, Brit's been calling Rob ans she ain't answering so we just wanted to make sure she's all good with the pregnancy and that" I swallowed she hadn't told them

"Oh well, we ain't in the best of places right now, sorry I gotta go" I put the phone down before she could say anything else. I just; couldn't do anything right now.

Britney POV

Cody was on the phone to Chris seen as Robyn wouldn't answer.

"Chris...Chris?" She put the phone down and turned to us looking confused 

"He hung up-" What the hell was wrong with them?

"And he said they ain't doing good right now" I automatically thought of the baby. Was something wrong with it or they'd argued about it

"Maybe we should give them some time?" Something was so wrong about all this. They wouldn't ignore us like this

"We should go to Robs" We were in the UK but we all cared about them a lot, they were our friends

"We need to find out what the hell is going on" We all lived together in a apartment together and we had barely unpacked from out last trip to LA. Ellie switched on her computer

"I'll look for flights then" I got up

"Lets get packing" I hated being worried about stuff, especially Robyn and Chris

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