Chapter 7-Fool In Love

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*2 days later *

Rihanna POV

I woke up in the hotel with Drake by my side. It felt...strange? Good? Being in a relationship again I didn't know how I felt anymore. I sounds bad but I couldn't stop think about Chris. Not because of anything other than worry for him and Momma J. Today was the last day I was gonna see him for what a month? Two who knows.

"Hey Aubrey I need to tell you something"

Drake POV

I woke up to Rih calling me. It had been a good night. A good night sleep obviously ;).

"Wass up babe"

"I have to go see Chris before he goes into rehab again..." Oh was this what he had been taking to her about?

"What today?" I caressed her cheek.

'Yea I'm sorry babe I'll be back soon" She kissed me before heading into the bathroom.

Chris POV

Every music channel was talking about Drake and Rihs performance but I mean it was Rih and every time she's on stage its amazing I'd woken up to my phone ringing. Karrueche.

"Hey K"

"Just letting you know I'm in the plane"

"Oh okay bye" Things weren't exactly great between us right now...

Rihanna POV

I came out the bathroom dressed and ready to go only to see a butt naked Aubrey in front if me

"Er excuse me sir could you put some clothes on" He'd really worked in his body since the last time I'd seen him naked hehehe.

"Er excuse me Miss a can you take yours off"

"Nope I gotta a plan to catch and so have you!" He pulled a sad face

"Aww sorry lil boy" I kissed him

"Bye babe" I walked out the door.

Chris POV

*ding ding*

"Mom Karrueche is here!"

"Oh okay!" I opened up the door.

"Hey K"

"Heyo" It was kinda awkward but I leant over to Kiss her on the cheek.

Karrueche POV

It slowly came to me as Chris took my bag ad I walked in to the house that I hadn't missed Chris. Not one bit. Did I really wanna be with this guy?

"Hey Momma J"

"Hello Karrueche" she gave me a light hug and passed me a coke.

"No more alcohol in the house you know"

'Oh uh yeah course" Why should there be no alcohol just because Chris can't control his self?

Momma J POV

Obviously I'd seen Drake and Robyn getting cozy? On stage and feared the worst. The worst being that they ARE together. I couldn't wait for Robyn to get here

*4 hours later*

Rihanna POV

I once again pulled up on Mom breezy's drive way. I saw Karrueche through the window. I wasn't bothered by her, I'm not into Chris but I know she will have a problem with me.

Chris POV

*ding ding ding ding ding ding* I swear this girl has a doorbell problem

"Hey Robby!"

"I think I left all my shoes here?" She gigged

"Haha yeah there upstairs come in" I hugged her.

Karrueche POV

She definitely got a warmer welcome than me huh. Like I care anymore not like I want Chris.

Momma J POV

Well the two ladies weren't talking yet so I decided to walk in.


"Mommaaaa JJJJJ" I hugged her tightly.

"So how was the Drake show?"

"A-ma-zing thanks really enjoyed it" I saw Chris out walk out the room but I wanted to know if Drake was with Rob

"And how are things between you guys huh" I tapped her arm.

"Well you could probably call is an item ..."

'Oohh getting in the game again then hey!" I was devastated but obviously couldn't show it.

Karrueche POV

Okay what? So she should not be into Chris but hey she ain't some hoe is it?

Chris POV

Wow first time the media have actually been right huh I wasn't bothered I mean, were probably never gonna be back together....


Heartbreak and Hearts made in this Chapter! Keep reading!

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