Chapter 9-Loyal

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*7 Hours Later*

Rihanna POV 

It had been an okay flight mainly because I slept through it. I woke up just as we were landing in LA. The attendant walked over to me holding a phone.

"Your Driver wishes to know where you are going miss"

"The hotel 5 minutes away the Grandeee summit"

"Okay Miss" At least I think that were he's booked... 

Momma J POV 

I knew Chris was worried about going back into rehab, but I really think he needs it. He came inside to put his running gear on and pick up his Ipod. 

"Bye Angel"

"Bye" He didn't even look up...

Chris POV

I walked out onto the street and put my earphones in.  I began running and pressed shuffle on my ipod.

Momma! I've Found A Man!

Fool In Love Began Playing. Wow someone out there wants to keep reminding me off the past. I shuffled again and my own song Bassline came on.

Karrueche POV

There is noooooooo way Ima let him get away with dumping me like that. No way. He thinks the medias hurt him in the past? He ain't had ANYTHING yet. 

Chris POV 

I ran for 10 minutes before deciding to go back. I figured I was quite literally trying to run away from problems. No this time I was gonna go into rehab and get myself sorted. I turned around and began to run back home. 

* 10 mins later*Oh and when Chris is in rehab wewont be doing his pov of anything :)

I got home totally out of breath.

"Sounds like someone's out of shape" Momma raised her eyebrows as she poked my muscles.

"Mom I'm in perfect shape!" I chuckled I was very far from it.

"Listen Moma about Rehab"I sat down

"Your going Chris I can-"

"No momma is not that I don't wanna go I was gonna say that this time, I'm really gonna try" She began to cry, I held her.

"I just want you to be okay angel"

"And I will be Momma, Starting today!"

Momma J POV 

I hoped and prayed he was gonna do what he's saying. All I want is that happy chubby cheek Chris Brown back That I and Team Breezy love. I knew it was gonna take alot did he? I don't know but I didn't wanna lower his spirit.

Rihanna POV

I arrived at the hotel with one bag

"Take the other bage back to the house yeah?" The driver nodded and drove off. I steped into the hotel lobby. Definately 5 star! It had fountains and marble pillars everywhere you looked. It was then I got a call off managment.


"Hey superstar, those fans you met before, Britney,Ellie,Bethany and Cody? They are doing some charity thing and wanna meet up with you to sign somestuff so they can raffle it off and they wanna hang out" I'd met these girs alot before, for most of the DWT in the UK they had VIP passes and we hung out alot, they were die hard Navy and ratchet! 

*Yes Ellie Brit,Bethany and Cody is me and my freinds :)*

"Right okay awesome I'm not at home yet maybe 2 or 3 days time they can come" 

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