Chapter 15-Take Care Part 3

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*6 pm*

Tyga POV

Chris had spent most the day by Robyn's side. It was kinda cool to thin he was gonna be a dad, he'd been great with my boy so I can imagine him with his own! Though I doubt they'll be allowed out much with how protective he is haha! I called Drake up to say I was on my way.

"Hey Drizzy I'm coming now man"

"Okay bro see you" I was nervous about the whole thing.It was dangerous to get involved in fights anyway but with all the sanctions Chris could face it was 10x more dangerous. No turning back now though. It was a short drive to the arena, 15 minutes, I drove behind the back of the venue and was greeted by Drake's bodyguard. 

"Tyga, Drake's in his dressing room"

"Okay man thanks" He escorted me over the car park to the back door. There were already hundreds of people queuing. I opened up Drake's room door to find him smoking.

"Hey man"I held out my hand. He took it before offering me one

"Nah thanks, pumped for the show?" I kept him talking, and smoking, before he had to go on stage, I watched from the wings and texted Chris 

Chris POV

Me, Robyn and Mel had been getting so carried away with the baby, okay maybe just me, that I forgot about the whole Drake thing. I only remembered when Tyga texted me

"Show will be over in 1 hour"  I wasn't ready at all.

"OKay bro

"Who was that babe" Robyn was trying to peek over my phone

"Oh just Tyga, listen I gotta go now you know to do stuff" I kissed her cheek


"Yeah Drake and stuff, stay in bed okay?"

"Okay, don't be stupid" I went in to my closet to grab a jacket before going down to the Lambo. I drove for 10 minutes and parked on a car park near the venue Drake was playing. The idea was Tyga convince him to go to some club. It would be a long wait. I though about Robyn, the baby and how everything was gonna have to change.

Tyga POV

Drake was finishing up his last song so I went back to the dressing room. He came in jumping around.

"Yo Tygaaaaaaaaaa c'mon man lets go out somewhere man" Well, that made my job easier!

"Yeah yeah man, come in my car we'll go to this club I know" He carried on doing some kinda boppin and dancing shit. Somethin told me he was a lilllll high. I texted Chris

Chris POV

I had began falling asleep when my phone woke me.

"We headin to the club" I started up the car and drove down the road. I pulled up at the club, Tyga's car was already here. I pulled on my jacket and headed to the VIP entrance. The club was packed and I couldn't see them anywhere. I texted Tyga to see where he was

"In the booth by the bar" I stood on one of the chairs to get a better view. I saw the booth and the back of Drake's head. By standing on the chair I'd attracted a bit of attention

"Chris Brooowwwnnn" Some girl with the shortest dress I'd ever seen put her hand on my leg. I kicked her off

"I ain't here to party girl" She disappeared into the crowd. I got down off the chair and began to push through the dance floor. Just as I got through, I saw Drake get up and head to the restroom, I was about to follow him before Tyga called me over

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