Chapter 13-Need You

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*2 Weeks Later, day before "Loyal"video shoot*

Chris POV

"The girls still flying over here" I came behind Robyn as she was cooking, I ran my hands around her waist. She let out a little smile.

"Yeah, then we head to set tomorrooowww!"

"I'm so happy your coming, I need you for support right now" I kissed her neck.

"I know babe" It had been a good few weeks for us. We managed no arguments and to stay out the press so it was all good. We'd had a few good dates to but no, I haven't slept in the same bed as her yet...

"They should arrive here attttt 5 pm so 2 hours"

"Ima go workout then" She turned around and squeezed my arms.

"I thought ya muscles were getting smaller"

"Fuck off!"

Rihanna POV

If anything his muscles had got bigger! But you don't tell him that or he won't get any fitter... if that's possible. He put in his headphones and stepped out the door. I headed upstairs to get the girls room ready for them when they got here. I'd kept back some of the clothes from my River Island collection that I haven't released yet for the girls to have when they got here. I went back downstairs and turned on the TV. I was barely listening as I flicked through some magazines

*20 minutes later* 

As threw the last magazine on the floor as a news bulletin came on. I rolled over to face the TV.

"Karrueche: Here's My Proof" Flashed up on the screen. Please no.

"Karrueche Tran has posted has posted a photo of herself receiving treatment for her broken nose, which she Blame's on ex Chris Brown, it is uncear wether Miss Tran will press charges" Fucking heeellll! I didn't want Chris to be hurt again but he would be angry if I don't tell him and then he finds out....I'd leave it for now...I think. 

*hour and half later*

Chris got back from the gym. 

"Look better already boo" I kissed him

"Totally out of shape though, when the girls here?"

"20 minutes ish"

"I'll jump in the shower then" He jogged up the stairs. I was being serious when I said looking better. 

*20 minutes later*

The doorbell rang, I opened it up to find Ellie trying to hold back the other girls.

"You may want to protect Chris Brown" I laughed 

"You girls calm down"

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god where is he!" Britney was jumping up and down on the spot

"AH!" Beth had spotted him coming down the stairs

"Hey it's Chris Brown!" Cody shouted out

"Com in then girls" They ran straight to Chris

"How y'all doi-" They all jumped on him knocking him over

"Harro I love you" Britney held on to him.

"Uh wow any chance I could stand up?" 

"Yeah sorry" Ellie dragged the other girls off him

Chris POV

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