Chapter 33- Here We Are Again

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Rihanna POV

My mouth had fallen open as far as it could go.

Rih: You don't think I'm?

She bit her nails.

Joyce: Well....I don't doubt its possible, do you?

I shook my head before putting my hands on my stomach. I, I no no I wasn't ready for this!

Rih: I can't momma no I can't do all that-

Joyce: Hey hey, we don't even know if you are yet so-

The door opened and Chris walked in with a grilled cheese sandwich. He looked confused at mine and Mommas shocked faces

Chris: Is it that much of a surprise I can sorta cook?

Momma looked at me biting her bottom lip. I'd been wrong before thinking Chris would be scared about me being pregnant, I don't even know if I am yet but how would he feel this time? After losing Cherish, going through it again. What if it happened again...

Rih: Ha no babe, thanks

I took the plate out his hands and kissed his cheek.

Chris: So what's the diagnosis Dr Momma

She looked me dead in the eyes. I shifted slightly

Joyce: Well uh

Rih: Just a bug isn't it

She slowly nodded

Joyce: Yes, yes it is

Chris POV

Robyn seemed kinda uncomfortable, and not just because she was ill. Momma was staring right at her. What was up

Chris: Should be better soon then hey, we got that studio time to do remember

She smiled and began to eat the sandwich

Chris: Ima go hang out with Trey and Tyga for awhile, you 2 be okay? Momma?

Joyce: Yes, just stay out of trouble

I kissed both her and Robyn before leaving the room.

Rihanna POV

As soon as Chris walked out, momma stood up shaking her head

Rih: I can't tell him yet when I don't even know if I am...or if I'm ready for it.

She cut her eyes slightly

Joyce: You mean...if you want to keep it

I sat up against the cushions

Rih: I....don't know

Joyce: Well let's just get this sorted and get you a test, I'll be back soon

I wrapped myself in the covers of the bed as soon as she walked out. They seemed to offer me some kind of comfort. I placed one hand on my belly. It all felt like it did before. The same, strange, sick like feeling inside. I thought about Cherish. Those moments she was in my arms. Never making a sound. No No. I stood up out of the bed and paced the bedroom and bathroom,trying to shake away the thoughts. Why was I getting so worked up over this when I didn't even know if I was? I looked at myself in the mirror.It's because you already know you are, it feels the same. I looked down from the mirror into the sink. I heard the bedroom door click open again

Chris: Forgot my phone

I quickly moved away from the sink and forced a small smile

Rih: Hopeless ain't you

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2014 ⏰

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