Chapter 16-What's Love Without Tragedy Part 1

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Chris POV

The officer was on his own.

"Mr Brown"

"Uh yes"

"I think we may need to talk about some events of last night"

"Uh okay come in" I knew there was going to be no point in lying. Drake had probably already told them everything and everybody in the club saw me. I sat down at the opposite end of the couch to the officer.

Rihanna POV

I'd just got out the shower when I heard the front door open.


"Yeah boo"

"Go see who that is yeah" I dried myself off whilst waiting for her to come back

"Oh my god"

"What!?" I wrapped the towel around me and walked out to her. She had tears in her eyes

"The police are here" I shook my head and held my forehead.

"No no no"

"Robyn" She put her arms around my waist. They can't have him. They can't take him away again. He's gonna be a daddy. I need him. We need him here. I put my arms around Mel as we both wept


If Chris is taken away...I don't know how Robyn is gonna cope this time. As she put her arms around me I felt her hands shaking

"Its okay Rob I'm here" I knew that wasn't enough but I had to say something. She remained quiet as she sobbed.

Chris POV

"So; Mr Brown where were you last night?" He had a notepad out to write my shit down.

"Me? Well I was at club where Drake was attacked. And you know what?" I stood up

"Lemme make your job easier, I attacked Drake, I caused all his injuries I shouldn't have" I sat back down and lent back to look at the ceiling

"Oh, and I am "aware that I will now be taken into custody" so save your breath" I could remember what they say to well.

"Very well then Mr Brown, was anybody with you?"

"No" I was not gonna drag Tyga into this. He'd probably stopped me getting off even worse.

"I will have to cuff you in order to take you in sir"

"Let me just go do something first" He held out the cuffs

"Please?" He sighed and nodded. I went up the stairs and found Mel and Robyn holding each other. As soon as Robyn spotted me, she turned to me yelling

"WHY CHRIS!? WHY'D YOU HAVE TO DO IT!? I CAN'T DO THIS!" She was beating my chest

"I'm sorry Babe, I need you to stay strong, I'll be back before you know it"

"You're gonna be a dad Chris what if you're not here for the birth!? What if I need you"

"Hey I will be" I lent down on my knees and faced her stomach. Obviously she wasn't showing at all yet. I put my hand on her belly

"I've go this one to look forward to,Hey there lil one, I'm you're daddy! Now, I'm gonna have to be gone for a little while so look after you're momma for me" Tears filled my eyes yet again

"And I'm convinced ya a girl and your momma won't have it but I know you are but anyway.... I love you" I kissed her belly before standing up and kissing Robyn.

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