Chapter 31- On The Run

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Drake POV

I raced down the highway, way way over the speed limit. Calm down Aubrey. CALM THE FUCK DOWN! I quickly turned the wheel to head down a small side road. I drove and drove until I was blocked by thick tree trunks. I got out the car and sat in the bonnet staring into the trees. I felt my hands shaking slightly. She won't be found for awhile so it will give me chance to think what to do. For now I just wanted to clear my head. Act normal, EVERYTHING is fine. I heard a rustle in the trees causing me to jump

Drake: Yo?

No response. I got out my phone. The lock screen was a collage of the photoshoot Robyn did for Lui and her smiling face. Damn I need that girl. I unlocked the phone and went into twitter. I refreshed the feed to find hundreds of retweets and quotes to me

"KarruecheTran found dead"

"Murdered? Model Karrueche Tran found dead" I dropped the phone. The smiling face of Robyn faced up at me from the screen background. Ho-How who the- who the fuck found her!? I scooped up the phone before sitting back in the car. I double checked the news and Twitter once again. No man NO!

Rihanna POV

I held Chris hand as we sat in the police station. He had barely said a word, staring forwards. I was just in deep, deep, DEEP shock but he, he was on another planet.

Rih: Chris?

Chris: Hmm

Rih: Its gonna be fine you've done nothing wrong okay

He chewed on the bottom of his lip. An officer stepped out of the interview room adjacent to us

Officer: Mr Brown and Miss, we'd like you to come through

Chris got up, I held out my hand which he didn't even acknowledge. A woman sat at a desk and the officer took a seat next to her. Chris and I sat opposite to them both

Woman: I'm detective Wright, I'll be leading the investigation at this point we are just trying to establish what has happened-

She reached out to the recorded sat at the end of the table. I put my hand out once more. This time, he took it.

Chris POV

How many time had I been here. It felt like I was just going round and round and round, oh and round again. I'd think everything was going well then bam, something like this has to happen. She's dead. She is dead. Karrueche is dead.

Detective: Christopher?

Chris: Huh

Robyn had a sincere look on her face

Detective: Can you explain what has happened today, preferably from the very start of the day

I swallowed and looked to Robyn. She forced a small reassuring smile. I began explaining how Karrueche had a fight, well got beaten up, by Rob and how Drake called me

Detective: Do you know the whereabouts of Mr Graham

Chris: No, but he's obviously done this

Detective: Mr Brown at this moment web have to examine all options-

Chris: Is that your way if saying I'm a suspect?

Detective: Mr Brown we-

Chris: Is it!?

I slammed down my hands leaning across the table slightly

Rih: Chris! Babe

She pulled me back down

Detective: As I CLEARLY explained Mr Brown, we have to explore all options which means we have to suspect all.

I stood up throwing the chair from under me.

Rihanna POV

Chris jumped up and pushed the chair from under him causing it to fall. He grabbed the handle of the door

Detective: MR BROWN!

I chased after Chris as he strode down the corridor.

Rih: Chris, Chris

I tries to grab his arm. He moved away from me and headed straight for the car. He sat in the driver side and shut the door. The carpark was empty bar 2 other cars. I took a breath and wiped my face before opening the driver side door. Chris had his hand across his eyes, tears slipping through his fingers.

Rih: Baby

I sat on his lap wrapping my arms around his neck

Chris: They always have to accuse me don't they? First they say I was always abusive to you-

I shivered thinking about all that again

Chris: And then that all I do is cheat and fuck around with other hoes and now a murderer?!

He removed his hand from across his eyes. The tears were now free to fall down his face. I felt my own eyes begin to fill

Rih: It don't matter what everyone else is saying babe, ain't nobody's business yeah?

I used my fingers to wipe away his tears before planting a kiss on his lips

Rih: Yeah?

He nodded and started the car. I got out to sit on the passenger side.
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