Chapter 15-Take Care Part 2

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Tyga POV

Chris called me asking for help with something, I knew it was serious cause he got to it straight away.

"What you need help with man"

"Drake." Ohhhh shit

"wass up now man?"

"Ain't you seen bro?"

"Seen what man?"

"TMZ!" I picked up the TV remote and switched on the TV, I flicked over to TMZ. 

"I'm looking mannnnn- waiiittt" I saw the headline "Rihanna Sex Pics Scandal"

"You saying this wasn't you that's released these!?" 

"No, It's Drake Micheal" He knew not to call me my name but wait did this mean Rih had?

"It's Tyga bro and you saying that Rih has..cheated?"

"No, there from when they were together but she didn't know bout dem" That perv! I hadn't really had any problems with Drake myself but a friends problems become mine if you fuck em around

"No way man! Dat nigga messed up, he just tryna mess you 2 up"

"Yea I know man, listen can you help me with him or what?"

"Sure, be there in an hour" I put my phone in my pocket and picked up my jacket. I walked into the kitchen to tell Chyna. She was feeding King Cairo.

"Babe I'm going to meet up with Breezy"

"Oh okay will you be long?"

"I don't know" She turned around, I kissed her

"See you later little man" I pretended to fist bump him before headin out to my car.

Chris POV

I was glad Tyga was coming. I wasn't going to let Drake get away with what this. All he wants is to tear me and Robyn apart somehow. Maybe he thought I'd think she'd cheated I don't know and don't care. I walked out the room to Robyn laying on the couch. As soon as she saw me she sat up.

"Babe what are you doing, please don't be stupid we can deal with this" I sat by her side and stroked back the hair that had fallen across her face. 

"Babe I'M the one that's gonna sort this guy out, he isn't getting away with hurting my girl and trying to break us" She put her head into my chest. I rested my head on top of hers

"You need to trust me Robyn okay?" I kissed the top of her head.

"Of course I do" I moved back from her and looked into her eyes.

"Love you"

"You tooo" We kissed. I got up and went upstairs

Rihanna POV

I was scared about Chris for sure but I trusted him. Tyga goin with him would help to. I was still so confused why Drake would do this. I'd told him how much I cared for him and this is what he does? I told him I'd always be there, care for him and be..forgiving. It clicked. He was doing this to hurt us because I'd told him I'd be forgiving. And then if I went off to Chris saying "I forgive Drake" he would have got angry. Thought you were being clever huh Aubrey. No way is he gonna wreck us. The door bell rang. Chris was upstairs but I presumed it was Tyga. I quickly kind of sorted my hair before answering the door.

"Tyga!" I smiled

"Sup Robyn" He hugged me on his way in. 

"Uh Chris is upstairs and how's Chynna and the lil man"

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