Chapter 5-Drunk On Love

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Momma J POV

I was at the mall for about one hour. As I came up the drive way I could see the front lounge was filled with a lingering smoke cloud. Chris. I ran to the door as scrambled to put in the key.

"Chris! Chris what are you doing!?" He was slumped in the chair with cigarettes and 3 bottles surrounding him.

"Making myself feel...better mom"

"You are not going to feel better Chris" I began to cry

"All...the work you've.... Done to get and your fans-"

'Half my "fans" hate me" No no. He'd been online.

"Chris those people aren't your fans they ain't team breezy! They don't know what going on!"

"Doesn't change the S*** they say does it!" My baby angel! I hated seeing him like this,especially when he'd been doing so well"

"Come on Chris let get you to bed" I stood behind him as he shuffled up the stairs

*Next Day*

Chris POV

I woke up with a really bad head. Hungover yet again. I discovered I was some how in my room, momma must have helped me up. I got up and headed downstairs. I walked behind her and Hugged her

"I'm sorry momma" I could hear her begin to cry

"Please don't cry,please"

"Chris....I've checked you back into rehab...I'm so-"

"Its okay Momma we can cancel I'll be fine"

"No Chris. You do" I couldn't believe my mom had done this but who could blame her? I had been doing so well but I just had to read the hate. I'd let the true team breezy members down by having to go in again.I lay on the sofa and called Karrueche.


Karrueche POV

Chris and I had barely talked, a few texts, while he had been in Virginia with HER. Today was the first time he called

"Hey Babes"

"Hi" He didn't sound to good

"How's Virginia?"

"Fine. Listen I'm going back into rehab" To be honest I wasn't surprised he can't stay clean for 5 minutes

"Oh. Maybe its what you need?"

"Uh yeah maybe, I have to go today so I won't see you for a while"

"Wha???Okay babe stay safe Love you" I was sad I wouldn't see him again

"Yeah bye babe" Oh thanks love you to Chris

Chris POV

K hadn't exactly been "supportive" maybe its what I need? Yeah maybe. I decided to tell Robyn

Rihanna POV

After Drakes little...outburst? I changed the subject to the rehearsal

"So we rehearsing now or..."

"Oh yeah now I'll leave you to get ready" I felt kinda bad I mean, this guys just preeeety much just told me he loves me and I've played it off. He shuufled out the room,it was then that Chris called

"Hey Chris wass sup!"

"Hi Robby" he sounded down

"Chris what's the matter?" He paused and I began to get worried


"Momma has checked me back in to rehab" No. Please don't say he went off in one

"What!? Why Chris?"

"I went online and read all the hate... I,I started drinkin and smoking in the house" My heart sank. He had just begun to get those chubby lil cheeks and smile back! Chris always takes two steps forwards and 3 back.

"Oh Chris boo no no no! When do you have to go in?"

"Meant to be today but-

Chris POV

I wanted to see Robyn before going back in. She, she supports me so well and I felt like I needed her.

"meant to be today but Ima see if I can go in a few days so you could come see me if you know you could?" I prayed she would say yes.

"Of course I'll come to see you! When I said I'd always be here I meant it" My heart warmed. We made promises to each other in 2009 about always being there for each other no matter what

Rihanna POV

And I had really meant my promise that day. It then came to me,is Tramp gonna be there

"Is Karrueche gon be there"

"I haven't told her but I nest or would seem abit weird you know" Agh great but let's not give her any reason to accuse me of anything and get her there so the flat ass can see we are just friends.

Chris POV

It probably sounds really bad but I didn't really want Karrueche to come. I know she thinks I'm a addict and will forever be but that's because she only ever known me since I've been like this. Robyn knows who the real Chris Brown is the happy guy who don't need anything other than music,family and friends to get through the day. I want to be that guy again and Robyn can help me, she knows he's there

Rihanna POV

During rehearsal I couldn't stop thinking about Chris and what was happening. So much so I was getting the lyrics wrong!

"Sorry Aubrey I uh I'm just a little tired"

Drake POV

I think Rih had forgotten that my dressing room was only next door and I heard her conversation with Brown.

"Yeah yeah of course jet lag and all that" I held my hand on her waist

"Go get some rest I mean we already know your gonna be amazing tonight" I slowly pulled my hand away so it caressed all around her hip.

Rihanna POV

Aubrey has always been so caring to me. As he moved away his hand I shivered;he was touching me so softly. I began to walk off stage when the rehearsal manager shouted to Aubrey

"Where she going!? We ain't done"

"Shut up Simon! She needs rest man" This "Simon guy" fell quiet. Aww so caring sometimes!


Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter!

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