Chapter 14-Drunk On Love

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*Few hours later*

Rihanna POV

We arrived back at my house after a long day at the set. I was to sleepy cook so I decided order some pizza. The girls went up stairs to get there pyjamas on, Chris turned on the TV and I went into the Kitchen to order on the phone

Chris POV

I say down and turned on the TV. Rob went into the kitchen to order some pizza

"What pizza you want babe" She called out

"Whatever you want" A news segment came on the TV

"Tran- I won't press Charges" What's this all about

"Karrueche Tran says she will NOT press charges against Chris Brown for her broken nose" Wait. She'd;She's accused me of. No. I heard Rob put the phone down

"Rob get in here!" I turned off the TV

"S'up boo?" She leaned over the back of the sofa

"Have you heard Kae's accusations!?'

Rihanna POV

He found out. I wasn't exactly sure  what to say.


"Well" He looked straight into my eyes

"Yes, I have"

"What didn't you tell me! That's why people we were being funny with me on set God sake Rob!"

"I didn't want you to be hurt-"

"Them next time just tell me okay? No secrets and lies anymore because that what YOU want isn't it" He got up

"Why are you being like this"

"Oh I dunno Robyn maybe because it was you laying down everything you wanted without asking me what I want and bow your going against what you said by keeping secrets"

"I'm sorry"

"Just leave it for a not okay" He walked out the backdoor to the pool.

Well done Fenty. Well done. I turned on the TV to see what was going on. I saw the headline run across the bottom of the screen

"Tran-I won't press Charges" Because she ain't got no prove and she KNOWS I will come for her if she did. I would fucking go for her ugh.

Chris POV

Why can't everything just go smoothly huh. Sometimes, I think I'm cursed you know or that I'm just exactly like my dad. And that's what scares me in the end. The thought I am like that. I took off my shoes and shirt and slipped into the pool. The icy water felt nice after how worked up I had got. I wasn't as angry at Robyn as it probably seemed to her but that's why I think I'm like my dad, once I start I can't stop its just; I don't even know. As for Karrueche well, she's just looking to make her money nowadays with stories. Now she ain't got some stupid guy to get money off...

Rihanna POV

I was to scared to go out to Chris in case it made things worse. I curled up into a ball on the couch, hugging a cushion. I was only trying to protect him, stop him from getting upset, angry, hurt but seems like that worked huh. The girls came down the stairs.

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