Chapter 12-Famous Girl

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Drake would say that you're the "Best He Ever Had"

Rumors come and go

But you keep your shadow

Everywhere you go it follows

Can't understand; I still you (Watch the blogs talk about this one)

Soon as I thought I found the right woman

There were other guys who thought the same thing about her

Like damn you let me down (Down, Down)

'Cause you're famous girl

For breaking hearts 

Chris POV

"Let's sit here" I lay back on the hot sand. Robyn began taking off her skirt so she was just in her bikini bottoms. It was a pleasant viewing.

Rihanna POV

I used my skirt as I kind of cushion to keep my hair off the sand.

"Nice day huh" I closed my eyes

"Yeah. Hey you Know I'm shooting the loyal Video soon right?" I sat up and leant over him

"Your still going ahead with it?"

"Yeah don't see why not" I was worried about him trying to do to much.

"So when you filming" I ran my finger across his abs. Swear they have got bigger since last time!

"2 weeks"

Chris POV

Robyn was softly running her hand across my body. It felt so good!

"Ah right cool"

"I was wandering if you wanted to come with me you know support and stuff"

"What kinda stuff?"

"Morale boost back in the dressing room hehehe" She poked me

"I ain't no hoe, but yeah I'll come"

"These hoe's ain't loyalGreat! How bout you bring them girls you were talking to?"

'Haha yeah sure they would love yo come" She began running her finger slower across my belly

"That feels soooo nice"

"Tehehehe don't get to happy boy!" She bit her lip

Rihanna POV

There was a silent few seconds before he planted his lips on mine. There goes the take it slow plan! I kissed him back. Surprisingly, he pulled away.

"I love you"

"Love you to Chris but still take it slow yeah?"

"yeah of course" He stroked my cheek. We spent about an hour on the beach jamming to some tunes. It was then Chris picked me up and headed towards the water

"Chris! Chris no noooooo!" I wriggled as he laughed. He dipped me into the water.

"You bitch!" He laughed again

"Think you'll find your the only bitch around here"

*half hour later*

We arrived back at my house. Chris crashed on the couch straight away. I had a quick shower and put on my camo onesie. I went downstairs. Chris was softly snoring on the sofa. I turned the TV on put put it on mute. I switched over to MTV. The music news was on. I headline flashed up

"She cheated!" It was followed by a picture of.... me and Drake? I turned the volume back on, it made Chris jump on

"Superstar Drake had accused now ex Rihanna of cheating on him towards the end of the couples relationship" Him accusing me surely

"What's up Robyn?"


"And with Stay singer Rihanna recently seen with long time love interest Chris Brown recently, Drakes accusations may seem true" Chris was laughing

"That fuckin twat"

Chris POV

I couldn't believe Drake, loves her that much he'd say something like that with NO prove huh.

Rihanna POV

My phone began to ring. Britney

"ROBYN THE FUCK DRAKE SAYING!?" It doesn't take a lot to make these girls angry.

"Don't worry about it girls, I haven't cheated or anything"

"Lemme talk to her" I heard the phone be passed to Cody

"We told you he was a wrong one! I knew we should have done his eyebrows again any way is Chris there!?" I passed the phone to Chris and mouthed

"The girls"



"Cody put it on speaker!"

Chris POV

These girls were crazy

"Hi girls I'd love to invite you to the filming of Loyal 2 weeks time?"


"YES WE WILL COME!" I had to hold the phone away from my ear, they were so loud!

"That's great girls, We will sort everything out for you, Bye now"

"LOVE YOU!" I handed the phone back to Robyn

Rihanna POV

I was excited to go to the set with Chris and the girls.

"I'm coming to girls, see you there okay? I have to sort Drake out"

"Bye see you Robby" I put the phone down.

"Sort Drake put huh, gonna break his nose to haha?"

"Not funny Chris" I threw a cushion at him.

"Sorryyy"He pulled a sad puppy face.

"Ima call him up see what he thinks he playing at" I scrolled through the contacts on my phone. "Drake" I dialed him as soon as he answered I started off.

"What you accusing me for huh?"

"Oh hello to, oh I dunno because youv'e basically just left me for HIM"

"I'm Not with Chris!"

"What ever Rob you've probably fucked him already!"

"You know what Drake, it really hurts you think I'm like that, Good fuckin bye"

Chris POV

I was kinda took back the way she was so quick to tell Drake we wern't together and how much she cared about what he thought. When she finished the call she threw her phone down.


"I've told you that for a while" She laughed

"Pretty sure that was just because you wanted me whn I was with him"

"And, he's still a twat"

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