Chapter 10-G4L

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I lick the gun When I'm done

Cause I know

That revenge is sweet

So sweet

 Rihanna POV

I got off the couch and shuffled through the DVD cases 

"What you gurlys wanna watch" Britney shot off the couch and leant on my Shoulder. 

"We HAVE to watch battle of the year" Britney demanded!  Cody jumped up

"Yeah yeah!" I picked up the DVD and put it in, I put my arm around Britney as she leant on my shoulder the other girls came off the couch by us. And all at the same time they shouted

"CHRIS BROWN!" I laughed

"So that's the reason we watching huh"

"Well obivously" Ellie hugged the TV

"Ah Chris" Oh my god these girls, we couldn't stop laughing at her.

"Wait we need Biscuits!" Bethany got up and went into the kitchen.

"Where are they Robby!?"

"left side sweety"

"Swear you can't go without biscuits for a day!" Ellie stole one off her when she walked in.

"You need food for films!" As she sat down we all stole one.

"Shhh it starting" We all watched. Chris was doing really well....he looked good to.

"How can you not want that Rob" Cody sighed.

"Hey he ain't the only hot guy on the planet! He's just a friend" All the girls looked disappointed...

Drake POV 

I went upstairs and headed to bed. I heard the girls chatting and laughing for awhile, I mean it wasn't hard with how loud they were! But I needed to get some sleep before my show tomorrow. 

* 2 hours (ana bit) later)

The film finished up and me and the girls ordered some pizza and chatted for awhile. 

"Is that the time, you girls should be heading to bed" It was midnight.

"Don't be like your our Mommas rob!" Cody pulled a face

"No go on up there's 2 double beds in one room so you can all be together"

"Awww okay" They shuffled up the stairs as I cleaned up.

Britney POV 

We walked up the stairs and past Robyn's room. Ugh we could hear Drake snoring. Ellie and Beth walked into our room as me and Cody went into the bathroom.

"Oh my god Britney!" She said it quickly so I got scared something was wrong

"What what!" She pulled out some wax strips from the cupboard. I knew exactly what she was thinking.

"Oh my god! Cody we can sort out his eye brows" She was already on it putting the waxon the strips.

"Okay, lets go" I crept out onto the landing, I could her Robyn singing softly as she loaded the dishwasher. I gestured to Cody to come out the bathroom. I shuffled over to their bedroom door, it was then Ellie came out our room.

"What yo two doi-"

"SHHH!" Cody held up the wax strips to her, she knew straight away and put her thumbs up and went back into the room.

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