Chapter 3-No Love Allowed

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*Next Day*

Rihanna POV

I finally landed in Virginia and Just wanted to get to Momma's. I wanted to get to the car quick to in hope no paparazzi or reporters saw me. Good Luck with that one. *bleep bleep* MY phone had connected to the internet and my Twitter notifications came flooding in. Haha Ah man my Navy is crazy the way they fight with Tramps fans. An i then got a text of Chris


Chris POV

I sent a text to Robyn to see if she'd landed.

"Yup I'm here coming now there in 20" "Mom! Robyn's here in 20 minutes"


I don't know why but I wanted to look good when she got here some say It's something only girls do but I laid out 3 outfits and tried them. Rob would laugh at me doing this hehehe.


Rihanna POV

My driver parked up on Momma J's driveway before helping me out with my bags.

"Thanks you can go till I call you" He nodded and drove off. I rang the door bell about 100 times.


Chris POV

*ding ding ding ding ding ding ding* God damn this girl! I rushed over to the door. "Hey Rob!!!!" "Chris" She had a huge smile in her face which is the only thing she needs to make her look great.Okay maybe her skirt helped "Here lemme take ya bags"


Momma J POV

I wanted to give them a lil time to talk and catch up before heading downstairs but it wasn't long before Robyn asked where I  was and Chris Called me "Mom! Robyn's here!" I headed down to see them both with huge, and mean huge grins on there faces. "Robyn sweet!"

"Hey Momma J" I hugged her tightly

"Guess what I've cooked up for you! Your favourite stew!"

"Great! Thanks Momma J" She gave me a kiss. Chris hadn't stopped staring at her (or her cake) since I came down. Ha, and he tells me he ain't into this girl.


Rihanna POV

Chris looked really good and no not just those big muscle's I mean his smile and appearance, he looked a lot better after rehab though those muscles and butt still looked preeettyyy good. We sat down for a meal and all chatted together but don't worry, I caught this naughty boy having a look down at my cake


Chris POV

I need to stop checking out Robyn but who wouldn't? She's so beautiful but no no Chris your with K

"I'll take your bags upstairs Rob"

"I'll come up with you; Thanks for the meal Momma J"

"No problem Angel"

I grabbed most her bags leaving one for her to pick up

"Not strong enough to pick all of them up huh?" She bit her lip. God damn it Robyn.

"I could if I wanted to but I ain't gonna do all your shitty work for you" I smiled as she did as she made her way up the stairs. Mom let out a little chuckle and smiled at me. I need to stop doing this she's not mine....


Rihanna POV

Chris is to cute sometimes bless. I walked into my room. It instantly bought back memories of the last time I was here. Me and Chris well; shared the room back then...good times.

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