Chapter 27 - Cheers

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Robyn POV

I woke up as we hit the runway. I found myself firmly on Chris' shoulder he must have done his best to keep still so he didn't wake me bless. He stretched his arms out in front of him. He couldn't wait to see his momma, I don't think I've ever seen a man dote and adore his mother as much as he did

Chris: Ready babe

He spoke with a big smile.

Rih: Sure

I was glad he didn't seem to bothered about the shit Kae was doing, I couldn't be bothered with the rice cake anymore. I was trying to move on though it is hard

Chris POV

I couldn't wait to see Momma but this whole thing with Kae wouldn't get off my mind. I was doing my best to push it to the back off my head but I was finding it hard. As we walked off the jet and across the runway I checked Twitter. My tweet to her saying " You DIDN'T Go THERE" Had been retweeted 100,000 times. Including by Kae herself though she hadn't replied or tweeted since. I clenched the phone before slipping it back in my pocket. If only I could do that with my mind, just slips things out and away again

* Hour later *

We rolled up to Momma's house in a cab. There were no press around so we could take our time walking up the driveway together

Rih: I can't wait to see her

My momma had ALWAYS treated Rob like a daughter, together or not. I knocked on the door. She quickly answered with her arms opened wide


She grabbed Robyn in a tight hug.

Rih: Ayyee Momma how you doing

Joyce: I'm fine baby girl fine, how's my angel?

She opened her arms to me

Chris: I'm all good momma

Momma J POV

I had been worried about both of them ever since, since the funeral. I knew they had been having help and things but I just couldn't help but worry.

Joyce: Go put your bags upstairs, I've booked us a table at a restaurant.

Rih: I need to get changed first!

Joyce: You don't have to be a fashion icon 24/7 y'know you look just fine

I tapped her nose. She smiled as they both took the bags up the stairs. Chris was back down in no time

Joyce: She's getting changed isn't she

He nodded before hugging me again

Chris: I love you momma

Joyce: I love you to, what's up?

Chris: Well, its the shit Kae's been tweeting

Joyce: Do NOT get me started on that excuse for a woman, but you shouldn't have replied publicly.

Chris: Momma I wasn't gonna just leave it!

Joyce: This needs to be done between the 3 of you, not your fans or anybody else

He took a step back and quickly looked up the stairs

Chris POV

I dug into my pocket and held it out in my hand

Joyce: Oh.My.God

* 30 minutes later *

Rih: Okay okay I'm coming now

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