Chapter 24- Forever

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*Next Counselling Session*

Chris POV

I pulled onto the car park slowly. Rob was looking around, she was still paranoid about the press. Sure enough, a few reporters surrounded the entrance to the hospital.

Rih: Fuck sake

She threw herself back into the chair facing the window

Chris: Hey C'mon girl, we gotta go in there to find a way to sort all this out

She still faced the window with a right look on her

Chris: Babbbeeeeeee

I kissed the back of her neck. I felt her tense slightly

Chris: I'm right by you the while time yeah?

She turned to face me

Rih: I'm literally running in babe

I laughed and opened the car door. I walked around to open her door and take her arm

Chris: C'mon then!

I started sprinting across to the entrance

Rih: Chris! Not that fast

She laughed as I pulled her straight through the reporters into the hospital.  She carried on laughing as she rested against me in the waiting room

Rih: I'm out of breath now, why'd you run so fast!

Chris: You said to run nigga!

Nurse: Robyn and Chris

The same nurse every time came out, called our name and lead us down the hall way.

Marina: Ahhh my favourite people, how ya doing?

Chris: Okay but we need to talk about something

She got out a notepad and placed it on the desk

Marina: Fire away

I looked to Robyn. She just nodded

Chris: Well uh stuffs being said, false stuff in the press and well we want to correct it

She was scribbling away on the notepad

Rih: And we want to do it in the right way so we don't get swarmed and stuff

Marina: Well, that will be hard. I've never dealt with a celebrity case before

Oh great, she ain't gonna have a clue is she

Marina: But I definitely follow enough to understand how the media works. To be honest you need to get on some show and do an interview, you can set the questions they ask you etc

Rih: Is that it?

Marina: Pretty much! Because then your story, the full truths are out there, yes?

The room went quiet. I put my hand on Robs leg

Chris: Babe?

Rih: Well it'll be hard to just, say it but yeah it makes sense, who we gonna ask to do it

Chris: Uhh Ellen, we haven't been on for awhile and never together and she's always good to us

She nodded

Rih: I'll get management to sort it for us

Chris: You sure babe, I don't want you to do something your-

She put her "Shhh" tattooed finger on my lips

Rih: We need to do this, for both of us

I kissed her finger

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