Chapter 11-Cold

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*2 days later aka Chris comes back *

Rihanna POV

I'd headed up to Virginia to be with Momma J for when Chris is back. She had A LOT of questions about me and Drake mainly because of press rumours. I just told her we are on a break. Sort of.

"You best get to the airport Robby" I wanted to surprise Chris. His Lamborghini was parked up at the airport and I was going to wait by it when he comes out.

"Okay Momma, see you" I kissed her and got a cab to the airport

*20 minutes later*

Chris was due to land at 4. I checked my phone 3:55. It wasn't hard to spot a bright orange lambo on the car park. I lent against the bonnet and waited.

Chris POV

4:00 We had landed bang on time. I was desperate to get home and see momma and of course get to LA to see Robyn. I waited for my bags before heading out to my car. I made it half way across the car park before seeing someone on my bonnet. I stopped. Was that?

Rihanna POV

I saw Chris stop and look over. He began to speed up. Had he realized? He was now 3 car rows away.


"Yup!" I ran towards him. He stopped And opened his arms. We held each other so tight.

"Oh my god missed you girl!" I felt a tear on my neck. He was crying

"Missed you to" I pulled back away from him and pulled on his chubby cheeks.

"What are you even doing up here, where Drake at?"

"To see you and well were on a break"

Chris POV

It felt so good to be home. Even better that Robyn was here, but was she single now?

"A break? Do you mean a break up"

"Yea probably haha"  I was still confused but I didn't want to ask anymore.

"And your okay with that" I was treading carefully

"Yes I mean... I told him I didn't love him, I love somebody else..."

"Oh uh right"

Rihanna POV

Do I tell him? We held each other for what seemed like eternity.

"So somebody else huh" He started putting his bags away.

"Yeah somebody..." He turned and smiled. It was then he kissed me

Chris POV

What was I doing!? Kissing her! wow Chris. She kissed back for a few seconds.

"No Chris I'm sorry I, I can't do this right now"

I unlocked the car.

"Sorry uh Come on let's go"

Rihanna POV

I didn't want to go rushing into everything and jump into his bed. For sure I loved him but, It just wasn't right. I hadn't really broken up with Aubrey yet. I knew Chris wasn't going to be to happy I kind of rejected him though. But I knew if I explained how I feel he would understand.

"Chris I need to talk to you"

"Yeah? Okay when we get back yeah?'

"Okay" I was definitely nervous

*20 minutes later*

We got home. It had been a slightly awkward car ride. As soon as we got out Momma J ran out the door

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