Chapter 21- One Love

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Chris POV

Robyn stayed in the bathroom for the rest of the flight. I stayed outside the door

Chris: Babe you're gonna have to come out now, we're landing

She stayed silent. slammed the door one more time before sitting down for landing. Why did she have to do this! I hated not being able to help her, protect her, make her happy. As soon as we landed I stood up again.

Rihanna POV

I held onto the sink tightly for when we were landing. I was slammed against the wall when we hit the runway. Chris was at the door again already

Chris: Robyn C'mon!

I looked at my reflection as he smacked the door. I wiped my eyes and pushed back my hair. I opened the door

Chris: Babe?

I threw myself at him. He put his arms around me so tightly

Chris: Please tell me what's wrong, please

Rih: Just get me home

He grabbed my coat and gave it to me. I covered over my head with it before heading to the door. The press were jumping around trying to get pictures and questions. Chris took my hand and ran through the crow and pulling me into the car

Chris:That was easy huh... Babe?

I kept my head down to the floor

Chris: Robyn please 

Rih: Just drive

Chris POV 

She was really worrying me. Fuck sake. Why did she have to be like this. Why did everything have to be like this.  She remained silent as I worked out how to deal with this.

*20 minutes later*

As soon as we got back to the house Robyn shot out the car to the door. Ugh I don't know what to do.

Rihanna POV

I kept seeing it in my mind. Her disappearing from his arms. I couldn't look at him. What if the dream was the truth. That's what he and everybody else does think. You couldn't do it. I ran into the house and into the bedroom, locking the door. I felt like screaming. Throwing everything around me. My baby girl! I pulled my hair as I fell to the floor and curled up into a ball. The lump in my throat returned again along with the tears. One day I'll wake up and everything will be okay. 

Chris POV

I dropped the bags at the bottom of the stairs before heading up to the bedroom. I turned the door. handle. It didn't budge. I pushed it harder. She'd fucking locked it. I put my head against the door so she could hear me.

Chris: Robyn please babe. I can't, or anybody else, help you till you tell me what's so wrong

My voice cracked

Rihanna POV

I heard Chris trying to open the door. 

Chris: Robyn please babe. I can't, or anybody else, help you till you tell me what's so wrong

His voice cracked at the end of his sentence. All he wanted was to help me. I stood up taking a deep breath in. I rested my head against my side of the door.

Rih: I'm sorry

Chris: Hey it's okay, just please don't do this to yourself anymore

I turned the door lock and turned away to sit on the bed. He walked in

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