Love, Love and Love.

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Mlm ni befday Owen sdh. Mr Liam sdh pulang. Tpksa sya bg sejuta alasan xikut dia pulang. Sya segan, mcm rumah kedua sya sdh tu rumah dia. In the future will be mine too kan. Over kompident sdh c Issabella oh..Lgpn mau juga sya feeling2 jd guest.

Rumah sya pn lama2 jd abandon haunted house laini slu kana kasi tggl. Nasib ada Loca sama Lola jd penunggu setia rumah sya. Team koruk jugalah harapan.

'Bella, why not u overnight at our house?' Aikk dri dlu suka btl dia bilang our house. Berkali2 sdh sya bilang dlm hti, bukan rumah kmi tu, rumah dia. Issshhh!
'Iam, no worry. in the future u no need to force me, if u halau me pn sya xmau keluar sdh.' Sama2 kmi ketawa. Dia cuit2 hidung sya.
'Then give me a reason..' Mereng sdh tu mata dia tingu sya. Dia mau minta nyanyi lgu The Reason by Hoobastank kali ni.
'Suprise.' Sya bisik passionately d telinga dia. Smpt sya gigit2 lembut cuping tlnga dia. Bella, sdh laitu..masi siang ni.
'Since when u so noty ni?' Dia tarik pinggang sya rapat d bdn dia.
'I am?' Pura2 lg sya tnya. I love to play (mischievous) around wit him.
'Yes, so much.' Dia sempat kasi sya peek kiss d lips.
'Bah jalanlah, nti Owen cri u pla. plus still so much to be done kan?' Sya kasi mati tu feeling manis2. Mcm guilty juga sya xmenyumbang sgt dlm tu party Owen. Tp Mr Liam bilang let the team handle it, sebab sibuk n lot drama happened last few days, so he decided to use event service to prepare Owen's party. Jd mlm ni sya tggl jd Snow White or Cinderella maybe. We can do it Bella!

'How? U hand mcm xmau kasi lepas sya ja. but I dont mind anyway..' Sorotan mata yg menggoda rasa.
'Oppss! I did it again..' Sya nyanyi sebaris lirik lagu Britney Spears smbl kasi lepas tu tgn sya d leher dia. Kami ketawa lg.
'Here..' Dia kasi dkt pp dia d muka sya.
Cehh td ckp mau jln. Mau pengeras lg.
'Look at there..' Sya tunjuk tu burung pipit yg terbg berdua cip2 d wire electric. Spontan bah Mr Liam tingu, tbasar lg mata dia tu. Xtau apa yg dia tfkr.
Cupp! Itu cuma tirik. I kissed his cheek.
'Thats a sweet trick.' Dia raih tgn sya. kami berbalas senyum. Aii Aii Aii xhbs ni smpi bisuk fantasia romantika kmi.
'I gotta go now syg..' Dia kiss tgn sya sblm dia kasi lepas.
'Bye. see u tonight..' Sya lambai2 Mr Liam. Bunga2 cinta mekar berkembangan mcm tu bunga pukul 9 pagi. Too much sugar!

Lepas kereta Mr Liam hilang dri pndgn mata, laju2 sya naik rumah. Sunyi sdh balik rumah sya. Kedengaran air brkocak kdg2 bila Loca & Lola jd agresif. Dorg bergaduh mangkali.

Sya cek2 balik fon sya. Watsap Don terbiar bluetick ja. Kalau Iam nmpk nti mata dia membara lgi.
Don: Hi Bella, feeling better?
Don: I worried u, Bell. Hope u okay..
Don: Sophie send regards..
Yg ni btl2 excuse. Mau juga use Sophie and our frenship.
Me: Hi Don. Thanks for caring. I am fine, evrything fine..
Lepas sya reply terus sya nmpk Don Typing...punya cpt dia respond.
Don: Great. I miss u, Bell. I miss our moment together. I really wish we can back to the time..
Nah kan dia start sdh baca balik lembaran lama kmi. Don...
Me: Don, I appreciate how u feel. I admit u not wrong back then, but now u totally wrong. Lets just put our memory as a memory. Don, u can find a girl better than me..
Don: No Bell! I want nobody but u. I want u back, Bell. My Bell that love me so much..

Finally, wat I worried is happening. Kenapa bah c Landon ni xmau move on lg. Mau juga dia dera perasaan sya. Ya, mula2 terusik jga hti sya, sebab sya xtau (the truth)..and for the first time aftr 3 years we meet again. I thought my heart beat again for him, now I am sure my heart beat loudly for Iam. I love Iam.

Xmood sdh sya mau reply Don. Sya biar ja. He eventually will give up later. Ting! Ada notifications lg. Again? Sya cek juga.

Sophie: uii geng, apa kbr kau? sihat sdh ka, siou lps kau discharge sya tiba2 sibuk.xsmpt sdh jenguk kau..
Sophie pla, pnjg umur. Kerabat Don juga ni.
Me: Ok bah Fiee. Tengkiu kio sebab tulung sya ri tu. lain kali kita kupi2 lg..
Sophie: Sama2 kasih Bell. kita kn kwn, dats nothing. Roger2 ja la nti..btw when did u pregnant a.k.a married? xjemput pn.jahat oh u Bell..
What??!!! Pregnant?!! Terbeliak mata sya bca watsap Sophie. Sya pn mau tau juga ni yg bila lg sya mengandung, kalau mengandung burger/pizza itu normal. Kalau sya kahwin sure she will be my maid.
Me: Yg bila lg kau nmpk sya pregnant ni Fiee? #thinking
Sophie: So the little kiddo in the hospital, the cutie pie yg call u mum?
Sya tepuk dahi. Owen pla yg dmksdkn ole Sophie. But of course he is my baby. And he adores me so much! Both dad and son actually.

Me: Oh Owen. Ya he is kind of my baby..
Sophie: Maksud? buli ka kau kasi lurus2 terus tu jln, xpyh bingkuk2. I dont get it..
Me: My boyfriend's son bah..u get it now?
Lambat pick up btl c Sophie ni. Tp kalau sya d tmpt dia pn sya bingung jga.
Sophie: Oh wow! Duda hot & spicy..untungla u Bell, buy one free one..hahaha he look so close to u, extra point tu..

Kurang asam pnya Sophie. Dia ingt KFC ka hot & spicy..Silaka! But I am glad she not encourage me to start over with Don. I know, she want to but she understand my feeling very well. I love u Sophie, u r the best bff I ever had.

Me: Love is blind Fiee, eh salah, my heart is the one is blind hahaha ok apa kan buy one free one, I thought people love that!
Sophie: I glad u found ur happiness Bell. Sya ni entah bilalah boleh dpt Mr Right mcm u..
Me: Thanks Fiee..I pray for ur happiness too. Ada tu, Fiee ja yg jual mahal btl. U better give 10% discount. Mana tau u dpt buy one free two hahaha
Sophie: Kalau yg dtg rmbt gya tempurung mcm mana? mau bg discount pn xsggp..

Budu oh c Sophie ni. She is too choosy. Tiny things she dont like terus minta break up. Sophie the sophisticated, her terms & conditions is too high! Malam masi muda bah, apa mau risau..

Me: Kau tggulah Do Min Jun jatuh dri bintang. dat one kan u want..
Sophie ni hard die fan of Korean drama My Love From Another Star. Sya pn suka tu drama tp xla fanatik, just fanatic with the ost You Are My Destiny by Lyn.
Sophie: Kalau itu sure I want, 50% discount pun no hal hahaha bah Bell, we story telling next time. My manager pggl sdh..take k. c u..
Me: Ok..take k too.c u..

Kalau start bergosip sdh dgn Sophie satu hari pun xhabis. We have dozen to say. Sya perasan ada watsap Don masuk, biarlah dlu.Sya baring kijap d sofa. I want to take a little nap.

Hopefully, tonight there is no witch going to poison my apple!

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