Mother's Day

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mother's day
a day of the year on which mothers are particularly honoured by their children. in north America and south Africa it is the second Sunday in May; in Britain it has become another term for mothering Sunday.


5th May 1985

Will was sat at the kitchen table, happily drawing a picture for Joyce. Elle padded down the stairs in Snow White pyjamas. Mike followed behind his 6-month girlfriend in Star Wars pyjamas.

"Morning." Will said, not even looking up at his adopted sister and her boyfriend/his best friend. Never once as Will ever doubted Mike's feelings for his sister. Will could see it in both of their eyes that their feelings for one another are real. And that nothing is going to split them up. Their love is more than middle school sweetheart.

"How many times have I told you not to do that?" Elle said she was still going to speech therapy - as she rapidly improved. She quickly got her sassiness from Max, her sarcasm from Nancy and her sudden loudness from the Wheelers.

Will rolled his eyes and continued to draw. The sound of the freezer open, the click of the toaster and the scratching of Will's pencils on the paper was heard in the silent kitchen. That was until Elle put the radio on.

The current #1 We Are the World by USA for Africa played on the radio. Elle smiled and went to the toaster and took the toasted Eggos out of the toaster. Mike smiled at the girl he loves (but he doesn't have the guts to).

"What you doing?" Mike asked, looking over Will's shoulder looking at the drawing in front of Will.

"Making something for mom for Mother's Day." Will said, and Elle looked up from her plate of Eggos to look

"Mother's Day?" She asked, looking confused at her brother and her boyfriend.

"It's a day where we celebrate what our mom's do for us every single day," Mike explained, running his fingers through Elle's hair.

Elle nodded her head, taking in this new information.


12th May 1985

Joyce Hopper woke up as the side of the bed dipped and there at her bedside where her 4 beautiful children. Will was sat on the bed, Elle at his side with her baby brother, Luke, on her lap and Jonathan stood behind his three siblings with a breakfast tray.

"Happy Mother's Day!" The three exclaimed and little Luke exclaimed loudly, giggling and clapping his hands.

"Aw, babies." Joyce smiled, overcome with the amount of happiness in her heart. Luke reached out for Joyce and Elle gently handed the youngest child over.

Will handed her his present which was a flawless drawing of the first time he saw baby Luke in Joyce's hands.

"Will," she gasped, took at the beautiful piece of paper before her.

Elle then handed Joyce a medium sized box. Luke helped Joyce pull the lid off the box and then put said lid on his head like a hat. Joyce giggled at her son and then saw what was sat in the box. 3 Mason jars with cookie butter in them. One was Oreos, another was simple chocolate chip and the third was Graham Crackers.

"Thank you, Elle, I'll have to keep these away from Hopper," Joyce said, putting the Mason jars back in the box.

Jonathan then put Joyce's breakfast in front of her (pancakes, strawberries and coffee).

"Let's leave mom to have her breakfast in peace," Jonathan said, reaching over and turning the small tv that is sat in Joyce and Jim's room.

Joyce smiled at her four children. "I love Mother's Day," she continued to smile and started to eat her breakfast.

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