El's First Job

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El's first job was at the local YMCA. She was so proud of herself to be working, making her own money so she can split the bills at restaurants with Mike.

One of the main reasons that she got the job at the YMCA, is that Karen would be an eagle when she watched over the young teens. As Mike's mother hated the YMCA (because it made her pristine hair go 'boing') it got Karen off her back for a while.

Plus with her working at the YMCA, and Mike with his driver's license, Mike is able to get some quiet time with his girlfriend of almost 2 years, they'd sometimes sit in his car and have a quiet talk. These are the moments she missed the most, when she worked and was away from Mike.

Until he brought out his horrendous 'dad dancing' and the smaller girl will just flat out refuse to be seen with him.

But, she loves him, with all her heart and soul, either way.

Which is exactly the same way Mike feels about his girlfriend and best friend.


"I'm so proud of you for doing this, baby," Mike said, as he leaned over the counter and nuzzled his nose against hers.

"Thank you, Mikey," she kissed his nose, and a brown paper bag was pushed into her hand. Everytime she's at the YMCA, Mike would bring her some lunch that Karen had made for her (a sandwich jam packed with filling, a Tupperware container of soft sugar cookies and - obviously - Eggos).

"Anytime, baby,"

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