I'm Sorry! [Request]

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For megmax679:


This fight was different from the little one's Mike and El had over superheroes. 

The two stand at other sides of Mike's basement, breathing heavily after a heavy argument.

El sighed heavily at Mike, picked up her bag and walked out the basement door. Not before throwing her promise ring at the idiot stood before her.

Mike collapsed onto the basement, looking to where is girlfriend ran away from him, holding the pink heart shaped promise ring in his fingers - delicately.

"Stupid idiot," Mike muttered, resting his head in his hands.

-3 days later-

El had spent the past 3 days, curled up in her bed, sobbing her heart out. She always rubbed the place where the ring rested comfortably. She never left her room (only to go to the toilet), never for food or a glass of water. She was a mess, and (to her) it was her fault. She dodged every call from her brothers and parents, Dustin, Max and Lucas tried to talk to her - which didn't work (when they spoke to her, you could talk to a brick wall and get a better conversation...).

Will had to deal with his half-sister, sobbing from her bedroom and not being able to do anything. He'd spoken to Mike on the other end of his Supercom, El had turned hers off, and after yelling at the boy for 5 minutes - Wheeler broke and said he feels guilty and wanted to talk to her.

Mike (much like the Byers' baby girl) didn't leave his bedroom unless it was to go to the toilet. Guilt was currently living in his heart. They've never got into a fight, it was little arguments about what to watch or what to have to eat, but it never escalated to this.

Nancy had to deal (much like Will) with her little brother, sobbing into his pillow. Every time Mike let out a loud sob, Nancy's heart shattered a little bit more. Mike shouldn't have to deal with this so young.


Nancy had pushed Mike into the shower, after Karen had complained that Mike and El should get over this fight.

"Come on, buddy, if you want to make up with El." Just the mention of his girlfriend made him tear up some more.

"El," he said, sitting on the bath floor.

"Come on," Nancy said, helping her brother up and moving him out of the shower head as she turned it on.


There was a knock on El's bedroom door, she sniffled and pushed her head further into her pillow and ignored whoever was at the other side of the door.

Whether she let them in or not, she didn't hear her bedroom door open. She didn't see her heartbroken boyfriend sigh heavily and walk to her bedside.

"Ellie?" This was an extended nickname from the one he originally gave her. "Baby?"

El looked up from her pillow and saw her heartbroken boyfriend. "Mike," El sobbed, threw herself into his arms and cried into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Mike, I'm sorry," El's curls tickle Mike's neck. The sobbing girl continued to his shoulder.

Mike felt, even more, guilt build up in his stomach. El feels guilty about their fight and it's all his fault...

"Baby, no," Mike said, lifting his girlfriend onto his lap and holding her close. "It's not your fault, you shouldn't be saying sorry. I should be me. I'm so sorry, baby,"

"Mike?" El asks, making her boyfriend look at her, snuggled tightly into him. "Can we just cuddle?"

"Ok, baby," Mike said, laying his girlfriend back in her bed and laying down next to her. Mike pulled her quilt and the blankets and tucked them into his bed.

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