What is Love?

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What is Love?
Baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
No more


It was getting closer and closer to the time where El was going to be joining the boys (and Max) in High School.

Thankfully, it was going to be their first day as Freshmen (Freshman year was going to be one of the worst years of their High School years).

Hawkins High, the place where Steve was once the king but was now a pawn against Max's asshole stepbrother, Billy. It was where he got dumped by the girl he loved, for Will's older brother Jonathan.


Mike was sat next to El, as he taught her some of the vocab she was missing. Hopper had helped El with her 'word of the day', and when Mike and El were finally reunited, Mike was a massive help with El's vocabulary.

They had gotten to the 'L' section of the dictionary. More specifically, the word - Love. Something Mike had been trying to avoid for a while.

"Mike, what is love?" El asks, causing Mike to look up and over at her with wide and terrifying eyes.

"Erm... Erm..." Mike stuttered as he looked around the living room.

love: a strong feeling of affection

"There are different kinds of love, " Mike said, fiddling with a pen he'd stolen off Nancy one time.

El raises her eyebrow and looks at her best friend in the whole world.

"There's family love like I love Nancy, and Holly, and my parents. My parents love Nancy, Holly and me. Does that part make sense?" Mike asks, looking over at his girlfriend.

She nods.

"Then there's love between friends, which is different between love in a family. Like, I love the boys and Max, but not in the way that I love Nancy and Holly and mom. Not that I would ever say it to any of them," Mike says, before getting to the big one he doesn't want to touch.

She giggles.

"As well as... erm... like, relationship love. Like how my parents used to, how Hopper and Joyce do, how Nancy and Jonathan do..." Mike trailed off, fiddling with the pen once again.

"Like we do?" El asks, looking at her boyfriend.

"Yeah. Like we do," Mike replied, kissing the top of his girlfriend's head.

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