Post-The Battle of Starcourt Mall

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After everything was over, El was getting checked over by the paramedics that had arrived, and Mike was pacing back and forth waiting for the OK from the paramedics.

He sees El tentatively step out of the ambulance, and he holds her face in his hands.

"Are you okay?" He asks, rubbing his thumb over her button nose, as she smiles, and sees Will over Mike's shoulder.

"I'm fine. Go make it up with Will, he's your oldest friend, just because we're together, Will shouldn't be pushed aside," she raises an eyebrow and nudges him in Wills direction, and she goes to see Hopper - who is getting his wounds cleaned by Joyce.


"Will. Can I talk to you?" Mike asks, making Will turn and look at him.

"Sure," he shrugs, crossing his arms, and waited for Mike to say something. 

"I'm sorry. About what I said, don't tell the rest, but you are the bestest friend I've ever had, and just because El's my girlfriend, doesn't excuse the way I have treated you. Not only are you my best friend, you're the first friend I ever made and having you in my life I wouldn't change a thing, because our party is bigger, despite all the trauma, but we've also come out on top," Mike says, as he awkwardly stood with Will. "I do expect you to forgive me, but I just want you to know that I'm sorry," Mike finishes, and veggie he can turn and walk away.

"I forgive you, Mike," Will says, as Mike turns back and looks at him - holding his hand out for Will to shake (which he does). And it turns into a hug.


El smiles at the pair and turns back to get cleaned up father. She smiles at her dad, who is now cleaned up.

"How are you, kid?" He asks, reaching his hand up and resting his massive paw on her cheek. She smiles at the fatherly love she is continuously receiving from him.

She simply nods and nuzzles her head into his hand, and because they have become more and more like a father and daughter duo, and he brought his daughter in for a hug (who proceeded to collapse into his lap).


"Jane? JANE?! Where is my niece?" A loud voice called and spoke. El lifts her head from Hopper's shoulder and looked over her own.

"Aunt Becky?" She pulls away from Hopper and walks into the sight of her aunt.

"Jane! Oh, honey!" The older woman runs to where her niece if stood, looking very exhausted and worse for wear, but Becky still hugged her tightly - before the Party finished for Summer, Hopper and El had helped the sisters move back into Hawkins, and Becky was able to get one of their neighbours to look after Terry while she keeps an eye on her niece.

"I'm ok, Aunt Becky. I'm ok," she wraps her hands around her aunt's waist and holds her just as tightly.


After Becky had checked her over, the older Ives walked over to where Hopper is sat, and El walked over to where the rest of the party is.

Dustin pulls the entire party into a group hug, thank that this battle was finally over. The Chaos Beast (something that the Dungeons and Dragons game describes it as a: barbed tentacles, glaring eyes, and gnashing teeth, twisting upon itself and reshaping into new forms, which is the best way that they can find a monster for it) is gone, along with the Upside Down - well, for known, because you even know with the Upside Down and Hawkins.

"You guys are the best. You are. You are the best people on this whole mad, flipping stupid planet. And I am gonna love you forever," El said, one armed wrapped around Mike's neck and her other around Max's waist, with a tear rolling down her face - happy that for now, it is all over.

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