Season 3 Opening

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Mike and El sit at a booth, talking about whatever came to mind. Every now and then, El's face would light up with giggles and her eyes shone.

And Mike felt really proud that he had this girl all to himself.

"One vanilla and mint chocolate chip ice cream sundae," the serve said, as he sat the medium sized bowl in front of them. The vanilla facing El, the mint chocolate chip facing Mike.

They smiled greatfully and once he'd walked away, they spun the bowl around. The mint chocolate chip facing El, the vanilla facing Mike.

"How can you like vanilla, it's so plain!" She giggled, taking a scoop of her precious mint chocolate chip.

Mike scrunched his nose in reply, not having a comeback for his girlfriend.

"Hey, lovebirds," Lucas said as he walked in with Max at his side.

"Who eats ice cream in January?" Max asked, pushing the bowl to the other end of the table, and plonking down next to El.

"Hi, Max, hi El, how are you, I'm fine, just a bit annoyed that you interrupted," El said, sarcastically, she'd quickly caught onto sarcasm (thanks to Hopper and Lucas).

Max simply showed her middle finger as her elbow hit a soft, pink bag.

"Can I have my bag?" El said, as Max held the 'pink monstrosity' out to the girl.

"Thanks for crashing our date, what do you want?" Mike scowled, as he started playing footsie with El under the table.


Mike and El went to every dance that happened at the middle school (and into High School).

Valentine's Dance, Sadie Hawkins Dance, Spring Fling, Summer Time Fun Ball.

Every single time it was extremely over decorated.

But, every time Every Breath You Take by The Police came on. They'd slow dance to the song, and share a kiss exactly where they shared their second kiss at the Snow Ball of 1984.

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