Hogwarts AU

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An AU where the Party lives in the United Kingdom and are wizards. Yes, I know there is a wizarding school in America, but Hogwarts forever.

August 31st 1982

Mike Wheeler had finally gotten his Hogwarts letter, Nancy had gotten her letter 4 years ago, and was now going into her 5th year.

Even though the Wheeler's had more than enough money to buy Mike his own books for Hogwarts, Ted preferred to save the money they already had.

So in Mike's books for his first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, had written  in cursive writing in the front of each book was:

This book belongs to Nancy Wheeler.

September 1st 1982, 10.45am

There was a quarter of an hour before the Hogwarts Express would be leaving King's Cross Station, London for Hogwarts up in Scotland.

11-year-old Michael Wheeler was pushing his trolley with his beloved owl Lily sat in her cage, nipping at the bars. Sat on his trunk, was his young baby sister, Holly Wheeler, watching the Muggles walk past - clueless.

Before they went through the barrier to Platform 9¾, they saw a small girl, with curls as crazy as Dustin's - looking at her ticket and then at the wall.

"Are you lost, my darling?" Karen asked, walking away from her family, and to the lost girl. She looked at the ticket and smiled. "Do you not know how to get on the platform?" She asks, the small girl nodded.

Nancy smiled, as her mom spoke to the lost girl, as Holly's eyes hop between the two.

"Don't worry, it's Michael's first time to Hogwarts, as well," Karen explained, pointing to her son (who waved awkwardly at the girl). "Nancy's going into her fifth year," Karen then pointed out her eldest daughter, who waved at the girl.

"If you ever struggle with anything, you come find me and ask me," Nancy said, having already said this to her little brother who was hoping to get into Gryffindor.

A very tall, muscled man (some of which could be seen as fat) came jogging over. "Here are those magazines that you like so much," the man handed her a small stack of them, as she brightened up at him.

"Thank you, dad," she smiled, and the man looked at the woman looking at his daughter.

"Jim Hopper and this is my daughter, Jane, but you like being called, El don't you, kiddo," he held his hand out for Karen to shake.

"Karen Wheeler, sorry my husband is working. This is Nancy, Michael and Holly," Karen shook Karen's hand.

Hopper looked at the two trolleys that the two oldest Wheeler children were holding, "we best get onto the platform before the barrier closes," Hopper comments, looking at the clock, as it went from quarter to 11, to ten to 11.

Hopper watched as Nancy took Holly's hand and they went through the barrier and onto Platform 9¾. Karen stood behind Mike and before they ran to the wall, she turned to the father and daughter.

"To get onto the platform, you want to go straight head into the wall. Best to take a running start. Good luck, my darling," Karen smiled at the small girl and ran onto the platform with Mike.

With the clock ticking, Hopper looked down at his girl. "Let's do this, kid," and they ran onto the platform.


As they landed on the platform, El looked at the Hogwarts Express in awe, she'd never seen the train before - she'd only dreamed of seeing it.

"Let's get your things on and find you a carriage," Hopper said, his arm still wrapped around El's shoulder.


By the time El's luggage was on the train, there were no more empty ones left. The only room left was in the carriage was with the boy they'd met earlier, and 3 other boys.

"Hey, Michael, right?" Hopper sticks his head in, seeing the black haired boy. He nods, seeing a somewhat recognisable face other than his friends. "Is it ok, if El comes in?" He asks as a small girl looks at the 4 boys.

Without even consulting his friends, he nodded and allowed her in. He knew he felt something towards the fragile like girl, he was slightly grateful that her father found them before someone who would most likely be put in Slytherin...

"Thanks, kiddos. I'll see you at Christmas, kid," with a ruffle of her hair, he left the train and waved her off to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


Mike, El, and the rest of small group of friends got off the Hogwarts Express and saw a man (more like a giant) who was twice the size of El's father (some ways more than one) was calling out for first years.

They were put on boats and told to watch out for their first view of Hogwarts.

The school was a castle, with it starting to get late into the night, the lights were lit up throughout the castle. Everyone was in awe of the fantastic castle that they'd all dreamed of!


They saw the well worn/used hat that Professor McGonagall had called the sorting hat. Mike turns around and sees his sister sat at the Ravenclaw table.

"William Byers!" Professor McGonagall called, as the small walked to where the stool was, he looked over at his older brother, Jonathan, at the Hufflepuff table.

He sat on the stool, and the sorting hat decided, "HUFFLEPUFF!" for the youngest Byers.

The table burst into cheers, as Will smiled happily, and took his seat next to his brother - who wrapped his arm around his shoulder proud that his brother is in the same house.

"Maxine Mayfield!" Called Professor McGonagall, and a tallish redhead walked to the chair - muttering to herself about being called Max.

It took a little bit of time for the hat to decide between Gryffindor and Slytherin (where her step-brother sat). With some consideration from Maxine herself, she was placed in, "GRYFFINDOR!"

Lucas Sinclair ended up in Slytherin, which puzzled Mike - but he chose not to question it as Lucas would be the sweetest Slytherin around (maybe).

Dustin Henderson and Jane Hopper ended up in Hufflepuff with Will, Mike smiled at the pair when they were sorted into Hufflepuff.

Out of the small group of 5, Mike was left to be sorted. Mike was called up with the sorting hat placed on his head.

Much like Maxine, the sorting hat decided that "it better be... GRYFFINDOR!"

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