Don't Send Me Back! [Request]

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Request by megmax679:


El looked at the ceiling of her blanket fort as Mike picked up some of his stuff for school. She looked over at him and smiled at her loving boyfriend. They started dating a little while after the 1984 Snowball.

"I'll be back after school, ok princess?" Mike asks, running his fingers through her curly, brown hair.

"Ok," El smiles up at him, looking at him with her wide, adoring eyes. Mike smiled lovingly down at her and placed a loving kiss on her forehead.

"I'll see you later, cuddles," Mike said, rubbing his nose against hers in an Eskimo kiss.

"See you later, sunshine," El said, letting go of Mike so he can go to school. Mike pulled a face at her as he walked up the stairs, which got her twinkle of a giggle out of her. That would be something he would easily remember for the rest of the day.


It was getting closer and closer till Mike came home, and El was (rather quickly) becoming bored. She'd flicked through the limited amount of channels on the TV and found nothing, she'd already read most of Mike's precious comic books (she adored The Fantastic Four - as it was one of Mike's favourites), she'd flicked through Karen's crossword book (which only last 5 minutes as she didn't know 1 answer...).

Which only left one solution, the amazing things in Mike's room. She adored everything that was in his room (even if the boy it belonged to wasn't).

She soon got bored and started making things float, so she could have a better and a closer look at them.

Then she got to the framed photo sat on his bedside table. 2 photos, one from the Snowball (completely natural - Mike had told her a still joke and had gotten a full tinkling laugh from her) and the other from their first date (Mike was gazing down at her adoringly as she smiled happily at the camera).

El gasped as she looked at Mike's photographed face. She stops using her powers for just a second. And watches (just like her heart) as it hits the carpet and shatters.

The home alone girl crumbles to her feet and tears start leaving her eyes. The tears running quicker and soon she's sobbing her heart out.


Mike came home and the whole house was silent. That was until he heard the distinct sound of sobbing. And the only person in the house was El.

El was crying. El and crying shouldn't be put in the same sentence.

Mike ran up the stairs and followed the sounds of her cries. And found his girlfriend, in his room, crouched down on the floor, picking up pieces of glass. That's when Mike sees the broken picture frame that once had been placed lovingly on his bedside table.

"El, baby? What happened?" Mike asked, dropping his school bag by his desk and walking the rest of the way to his girl's side.

El looks up, red eyed, red nosed, upset face, to Mike and sobs even more. "I'm sorry Mike! Don't be mad! I didn't mean to! Don't send me back to the lab!" The sobs take over her words and cut her off.

Mike's heart broke even further. He sat on the floor next to El and pulled her into his lap.

"Come on, gorgeous, there's no need to cry. It's all going to be ok. I can just get another frame." Mike said, running his fingers through her curly hair.

El continued to cry, sobbing her heart into the crook of Mike's neck.

"Come on, Peach, it's ok, I'm never going to be mad at you, and I'm never EVER going to send you back to that hell of a place. You're staying by my side until the end."

El soon stopped crying and looked up at her boyfriend. "Are you sure, Mike?" El asked.

"Of course, precious. Let's get you cleaned up and put the picture in a new frame. Yeah? Look, the picture isn't torn." Mike said, showing his girlfriend the photo which is still pristine from the second it was taken.


Mike put the new photo frame on his bedside table and smiled at it. El sat in his lap, cleaned up and smiling at the picture in its new frame.

"What did I tell you, babe?" Mike peppered the side of her face with kisses.

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