1. "You're the push he needs.."

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Bria //

I stared at the clock in the classroom, Biology was my favorite subject, but this class seemed unbearably long. My teacher blabbed on about a project we had coming up, but I wasn't paying any attention what so ever.

"Bria! What biome are you choosing for you and your partner?" My teacher called out to me, causing the class to snicker.

Partner? Since when did we do that?


"The tundra is already taken, Bria." She said with a bored sigh.

I should've been paying attention.

"Oh..right. The desert?"

"Okay you're biome is the desert and you're assigned parter is....Christopher."

"Oh my fuckin god bro.." He mumbled behind me.

I immediately recognized the voice of Christopher Livingston.

I wasn't a fan of him, and he wasn't one of me either. Not only did he feel the need to constantly ridicule me, he didn't seem to be the sharpest tool in the shed either. I can only assume such— anytime there was a test I'd catch him peering over at the next person's paper.

I was tempted to turn around and scold him about how I was the best partner he could possibly have, but as always, I ignored him.

His close friend, who also sat by me, suddenly leaned forward and whispered, "if I were you I'd ask Ms.Taylor to switch your partner."

That friend was, Samaad. Despite the relentless hatred Christopher seemed to have for me, Samaad was always nice. Overly nice. It was no secret to anyone that he'd had some type of crush on me, but I just didn't see him that way. Not only that, but I could never date someone with Chris as a best friend.

Everyone else chose their biome and was assigned their partner, and class finally let out. As most of everyone flooded out of the classroom, I began to make my way to my teacher's desk, that is, before I was stopped by Christopher shoving a piece of paper in my hand.

"There's my number. Use it to send me information about the project, and that's all you need to use it for." He said looking down at me.

"I wouldn't want to use it for anything else, trust me." I replied looking him dead in his eyes. He scoffed and left the classroom.

Now was my chance to speak to my teacher.

"Ms. Taylor...."

"Don't ask me to switch you Bria. I don't know what kind of problems you and that young man have but I put you two together for a reason, if he fails this project he'll officially have an F in my class. You're the push that he needs."

"What does him failing have to do with me? It's not my fault he's-"

"No more questions. You'll turn in your project Friday like everyone else."

So much for that.


Biology was my last class of the day. I decided to walk home with my two friends I knew from my apartment complex— two twins, Cameron and Casey.

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