15. "Wet dream."

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We stopped to get something to eat and Chris took us back home, this was beginning to feel like a cycle.

The harsh words of Devyn replayed in my head over and over. I knew by Monday, everyone would know about Chris and I.

"You gon let me chill this time or you just gon send me off?" Chris asked as we walked into my apartment.

"You can come in, not for long though."

"Fine by me."

I had to carry Forest to his room, since he was fast asleep. When I entered my room Chris was already laying on my bed with his shoes off.

"Oh sure make yourself at home." I said sarcastically.

"Come lay with me bae."

"Don't call me bae, Chris."

"Bae! Bae! B-b-b-ba-"

"Shut uuup." I said finally giving in and laying next to him.

"This is crazy." He said lowly, while playing in my hair.

"What is?"

"Me and you. You used to hate my Bria." He said chuckling.

"You hated me too Chris..you were so mean!"

"I never hated you, I was just being a dick because you cute. That and I thought you were stuck up since you were always rejecting Samaad. But really Bria? I'm mean? You saved my number as Dumbass."


"How do you know about that??"

"I'm not gonna lie, I was in your phone. Just making sure you not sending nudes out. Nobody need to be seeing you like that." He joked.

This boy bout to make me act out of character.

"Nobody but you." blurted out. BRIA WHAT?

His eyes got wide and he looked at me.

"Oh really?"

"I know I don't know where that came from, I didn't mean that."

"I think you did." He said staring me down in the most attractive way.

I covered my face in embarrassment, this was my first time in a situation like this believe it or not. I didn't know what to say.

"Stop being weird." He said laughing, responding to my awkward silence.

"Stop making things weird." I said trying to hide my forming smile, a reaction to his adorable laugh.

"I'll stop, I'll stop." He said with a chuckle. He grew quiet, and his hand made its way down my leg and in between my thighs, before stopping abruptly. The electric feeling that was running through me quickly subsided.

"Sorry." He mumbled, realizing what he was doing.

I wanted so badly to say, please continue. But that's not me..I'm not like that, just from being around Chris for these weeks I'm like a whole new person.

Even when I tried to lie and tell myself I wasn't enjoying this, I couldn't help but feel how I just did. I'm 17..sure I've got certain feelings before but nothing like this. I'd never gotten this stirring feeling between my legs, I've never felt this type of desire

"I-it's ok."

He sat up from my bed and stood up, stretching his arms out. I noticed his hands positioned oddly over his privates.

"I guess I should be heading home, Alex is probably tired of me having his car out all day."

"Tell him I said hello." I said trying to keep my eyes from traveling south.

"He'll be glad to hear that. Hey good luck with that conference with Forest's teacher."

"I'll need it."


Way to make things awkward, fucktard.

I let my little urges get the best of me and started touching on her with absolutely no consent. Plus she isn't that type of girl, she has strong morals from what I know.

When I got home I dropped Alex's keys on the counter, he was sitting on the couch with my dad and they both turned around.

"Chris, come here for a moment." My Dad said in a serious tone.

"There's something we'd like to talk you about." Alex said with the same tone.

"Uh alright?"

"Well you're 17, you're responsible...for the most part." my dad said.

"And you seem to have a lot of places to go," Alex continued.

"So we're thinking about getting you a car."

"Are you serious?!" I asked excitedly.

"But! You have to be behaved for at least another week. And that means no notes home from your teachers."

Having an actual parent is definitely taking some getting used to. Having to behave and shit...

"I'll act right I promise."

"We're trusting you Chris, we'll go car shopping Tuesday."

I did a silent cheer in my head and nodded understandingly.

"What kind of car are we talking?" I asked them.

"What kind of car do you want?" Alex asked.

"...mmm maybe a Bugatt-"


"A Porsch-"


"Maybe a Jeep?"

"We'll see about that one." My Dad said shaking his head.

"Ok." I said trying not to display all of my excitement.

"Good, now clean your room it's a mess."

I jogged upstairs and laid on my bed. I've still got homework to do, I still have to straighten up in here, I still have to call my mom.

It's been a long day, I said to myself. My responsibilities left my mind and I drifted to sleep.


"Yes Chris fuck me!" She screams as I'm hitting it from the back.



I grabbed her hips and pushed myself deeper into her. I can't believe she's letting me do this, I feel like I'm on cloud nine.

I felt myself about to release inside her, but she just keeps saying my name.

"Chris! Chris! Chris!...Chris!"

Her angelic voice changes into one of a grown man and my eyes shoot open.

"Chris! Wake up! Didn't I tell you to clean up this room?"

I groan in embarrassment, I should've known..she's way too modest. Just another wet dream.

Chris was dreaminnnn!! 💦😭
Lol sike

I don't really like this chapter:/

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