4. "Double date!"

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It was now Saturday morning, I'd dropped Forest off at his friend's birthday party— so I found myself home alone. I checked my phone and saw that I had a message from an unknown number.

Hey Bria..it's Samaad . Sorry about what I said yesterday, I kind of fucked up...do you think we can try again 😕 I want to meet up tonight

Oh please.


I chuckled before saving the number and tossing  my phone on my bed.

clown ass nigga:
Oh come on Bria...come to wonderland with me later. I'll pay ;)

Wonderland was a theme park around where I lived..but since tickets were a bit pricey, when I did scrape up the money I would take Forest. It'd been so long since I've been, maybe a few rides could be fun?




I was at the park shooting hoops with Samaad and Cameron. Devyn was also there..being....herself.

I shot the ball into the net and she began cheering loudly, embarrassing the hell out of me.

"Gooo Chris! You're doing great!" She said clapping loudly. Samaad was now sitting on a bench on his phone, he stared at it with wide eyes before calling me over.

"Yo Chris.."

"What do you want?"

"Bria decided she wants to go to Wonderland with me today. If I play my cards right, I'll have her right where I want her."

"I thought she made it clear that she wasn't trying to do all that, you're whack."

"You're jealous. Just take Devyn with you and we can double date-"

"Oooh!! Yes yes yes!" Devyn squealed like a little kid.

I thought about it. Devyn was becoming barely tolerable, but flaunting her in front of Bria would probably bring me joy..so I decided to go with it.

"Fine, I'll go."

"I'm picking her up at 2, you & Dev can ride with me." Samaad said getting up from the bench, with Devyn following closely behind.

"You two can come to my house until it's time to go." He added, taking the basketball out of my hand. I followed him to his car, and sat in the back so Devyn could sit in the front. But

Instead she sat in the back with me.

"I can't wait to get on rides with you....if you act right later I'll be riding you." She said whispering the last part in my ear. I don't really like, or enjoy the company of Devyn..however, fucking her didn't sound as dreadful as having a conversation with her.

"Well I guess I'll have to act right then."



I got dressed for my "date" with Samaad. Well to him it was a date..to me, it was a just a free trip to Wonderland.

To pass time, I decided to flip through Forest's folder full of his drawings. It wasn't often he shared his art with me...so I was curious.

I saw drawings of trees, a portrait of my mother, but one specific drawing really caught my eye. It was a detailed drawing of a flower with tiny words in sloppy letters at the bottom of the page, which read

to: jessica t.

from: forest

you are pretty like a flower.

How cute! He must have a girlfriend or something.

I continued to look in the folder and I began seeing more pictures of the flower, each time a different girl's name was written at the bottom. My grin instantly turned into a frown.


Just as I was about to continue looking, I got a text from Samaad, saying he was outside. I grabbed my bag and rushed out the door.

I made my way over to his car, but my heart nearly dropped when I noticed the two other people in the backseat.

"You look nice." Samaad said as I got into his car. "I hope you don't mind..Chris and Devyn are going to wonderland with us." He added.

"Woohoo! Double date!" Devyn yelled from the backseat. I already knew this would be a long day.


When we finally arrived to the park, Samaad immediately grabbed my hand. In my head I was gagging. I noticed out of the corner of my eye, Devyn trying to grab Christopher's hand but him snatching it away.

"Watch this I'm bout to win you a prize, Bria." Samaad said walking over to one of those basketball things where you make shots and win prizes.

"Chrissss can you win me one too?" Devyn asked, almost whining.

"Uh..I'll try." He said standing at the basketball goal next to Samaad. They paid, and began shooting.

Samaad would make one, miss one, make one, miss one. Christopher seemed to make every single shot.

Soon they ran out of time and the game was over. Christopher somehow managed to win two pink and blue large stuffed animals and Samaad of course, won nothing.

"Thanks!!" Devyn literally screamed as he gave her the pink stuffed animal, he glanced at me for a half a second, and tossed me the blue one.

"Oh so you're just gonna take the little bear he gave you? Are you my date or his?" Samaad asked, snatching the bear from my hands.

"He won two..why can't I have one?"

"Because you're here with me, not him. Don't act like a hoe-"

"Nigga you ain't win shit so who cares if I gave her one of mine? Chill out." Christopher said taking the bear from Samaad and giving it back to me. I couldn't help but notice that he was avoiding eye contact with me.

How is this somehow worse than I expected?

"Chris can we get on an actual ride now?" Devyn asked, grabbing his wrist since he refused to hold hands with her.

"Yeah..let's go."

I instantly got excited. This is what I came for. I walked in the direction they were going but I was stopped by Samaad grabbing my hand.

"Nah we ain't going with them." He said shaking his head.

"But I wanted to ride-"

"No no this about us. We can get go get something to eat, ok?"


I felt like shit as I saw Christopher and Devyn walking over to the big rides. Why did I agree to come here?

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