40. Normal

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thanks for 50k on this, I appreciate it a lot.



"Not sure how you knew that but..yeah. You one of them witches?" The guy laughed. "Come in. I'm Isaac."

"Listen I only came to discuss-"

"I know. I figured you would at least want to sit down or something. No?"


I entered the medium sized house and took a seat at the chair in a small dining room. Isaac sat in a chair across from me.

"So. How long were you married?"

"Around a year." I said sighing, remembering our anniversary was days away.

"I'm sorry. Just been dating Graham for a month or so..he's just kind of boring. A teacher...he's cute, but so vanilla." Isaac chuckled. I have to say something.

"He's a great guy. You shouldn't play with him."

"Y-you know him?"

"We were something in high school..something kind of serious."

Isaac stared at me for a few seconds.

"Have..you spoken to him? Since high school?"

"Well he teaches my son..I had a conference with him but at first I hadn't realized it was him- it's a long story."

Isaac seemed interested, and invested.

"I feel for you. You deserve him more than I do." He said sincerely.

"I'm not trying to take him from you, I'm not trying to get into another relationship. I was just-"

"At least become friends with him. Will you..take his number? I know your marriage is basically over...but.."

"You don't have to remind me about my ending marriage, Isaac. But fine, I'll take his number."


I woke up for school the next morning and checked my phone.

got some money for you, I need to see you today.

I sighed. I just need to turn eighteen and I could apply for apartments, I wish I could just take his money and go..but that couldn't end well.

|Me: |
❤️❤️❤️ I'll text you after school.

|Braden: |
...school? What are you talking about?

I was puzzled at that message. What does he mean?

|Me: |
I have to go to school..if I wanna graduate.

|Braden: |
You're a child?! Are you trying to get me locked up? When we met it was early on a week day! I didn't think you were even still in school!

I remembered the day we'd met I was skipping school with Devyn. No wonder he didn't know I was in high school. I was frozen in fear so I threw my phone down and sat up to wake up Forest.

His little body was sprawled across the foot of the bed.

"Forest. Wake up." I said tapping his shoulder. He opened his eyes and frowned.

"I don't wanna do school today." He said quietly.

"Neither do I..but we have to."

He yawned and sat up. "Your phone is ringing." He said pointing to me phone that was blowing up.

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