48. "Will you accept, Chris?"

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"And that's why I'm the realest dude in my school." Forest said, finally finishing his story as we walked into my house.

"Makes sense." I told him, letting Bria in behind us.

"Is that Forest I hear?" My dad said from the kitchen.

"Hi Mr.Christian!" Forest said running to the kitchen, most likely to get some of whatever my dad was cooking.

I took the brief moment we had alone to kiss Brianna, catching her off guard.

"We just got in the house, Chris. Relax."

"I don't wanna relax." I told her, placing my hands on her waist.

"You probably should." I heard my dad say. I looked up and he was peaking his head out of the kitchen, watching Bria and I.

"Sorry.." Bria said, embarrassed.

"Forest is in the living room eating the rest of the wings. You two can go upstairs..but leave the door open. In a few minutes I'm going out-"

"On a date, right?" I interrupted him.

"Son listen-"

"You have a new guy every week-"

"It's the same guy, Christopher. And I'm not having this conversation with you right now. You and Brianna can go on upstairs."


After Chris' mini argument with his dad, his mood had slightly shifted back into how he was feeling earlier.

In some attempt to remedy the situation, I kissed his neck a couple times, knowing that would get some type of reaction from him.

He'd had yet another shitty day, and I'm tired of him feeling like this. Shit, I'm tired of feeling like this. Sometimes I reminisced to a time where all I had to worry about was keeping Forest fed, I thought I had it bad then— now it's so much worse.

"Can I tell you something, Bria?"

"Of course. You can tell me anything."

"You keep me going." He said, giving me a warm feeling in my stomach.

"W-what do you mean?"

"I mean..I don't know what I'd do without you. I think all of the shit that's happened would collapse on top of me, I'd fold under pressure. And you being here with me gives me hope. I know I pretended to hate you before, but I really love you Bria. And even though I fuck up, I hope you realize that."

"I love you too. And don't act like you were pReTenDing to hate me, you actually did. You were so mean to me."

"That's only because you acted like you were smarter than everybody." He said pushing my shoulder playfully.

"I was smarter than you. Your dumbass thought Tigers live in the desert-"

"You know what-"

We were now engaged in a full on wrestle, with both of us laughing uncontrollably.

"Get off of me!!" I yelled as Chris was holding my hands down.

"Chris!" I heard Forest yell from the doorway. "Stop hitting Bria!"

"We're just playing Forest, it's okay-" I tried to explain.

"Christopher if you hit Bria, I'm gonna hit you." He said crossing his arms.

"Alright alright. I don't want smoke."

We were interrupted by my phone ringing on my night stand. Bryson.

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