35. Hobos

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Chris finally emerged from the house, with the nice lady from before shoving him out of the door. He made his way to the car, when I got a good glimpse of a bruise on his face.

"What a fucking dick."

"Chris shh." I shushed him, since Forest was still in the car.

"I didn't tell you what happened-"

"Chris! Why did you and Bria divorce?!" Forest interjected angrily.

"Because I made a mistake." Chris admitted to Forest.

Forest began to say something, but stopped. Chris started the car, and pulled out of the driveway.

"Where are we gonna go?" Forest asked instead.

"I don't kn—"

"I got something figured out." Chris said, causing me to glare.

"No you don't-"

"Bri. I got it, okay? I'm gonna talk to my dad-"

"You're not in charge of my brother and I, I'm the one who needs to be taking care of him."

"I'm not letting you two be homeless like this."

"We're hobos!" Forest yelled from the backseat.

"Forest shh. Christopher I'm not gonna let you do this."

"I'm gonna talk to my dad. We'll figure something out."

I shook my head at the fact that he thought he could take care of it, he couldn't.

We ended up pulling up to Greg's house, and I sighed in dismay of the sight.

"Brianna can I talk to Chris please?" Forest requested.

Confused, I reluctantly opened my door to leave the two alone.

"Call me later." I told Chris, he agreed and I went inside.


I was extremely nervous, we'd been here before. Last time it was this situation he was telling me about what Noah did, I prayed it wouldn't be the same case.

"What is it kid-"

"Don't kid me! Are you waste?!"

His Toronto accent is already coming through.

"What are you talking about?" I said not being able to contain my laughter.

"You said you weren't gonna break up with Brianna!"

"I made a mistake, things happen Forest.

"Well fix it dummy."

"I'm trying..it's not that easy with Bria. You wanna help me?"

He shook his head yes and smiled.

"Good. We'll discuss that later. Go in the house with your sister..and be careful, alright?"

"Okay." He said climbing out of the car.

He began walking up to the house and I pulled off. I don't know if I'll ever stop worrying about him. I have shit bad, but he's only in the first grade and shit is going downhill for that kid. It's not fair.


I sat in my room with Forest, the door was locked and he laid on the floor watching YouTube on his iPad.

I contemplated what possibly we could do to get out of the situation, but nothing good was coming to mind.



"How would you feel if we went..somewhere. Out of here, and you'd be safe. Only thing is, we wouldn't be together..do you think-"

"We're getting split?! No Bria! I don't want to leave you! Please don't make me go-"

"It was just an idea, Forest. If I get you to somewhere safe, they'd probably take you away from me. But that way, if you end up in the care of an orphanage or foster home, you'll have a new family who can take care of you."

"I don't want a new family. I want you and Chris."

"What if me and Chris aren't around forever?"

"I don't want to think about that." He answered, covering his ears with his hands.

I sighed and gave up trying to reason with him. I'd have to do this myself. Get a job, and pay for a place. I'm turning eighteen next month, I can do this. I got out of bed and grabbed the bag from the mall, dumping out the brand new shoes.

"I like your shoes Brianna, when are you gonna wears them?"

"I'm selling them." I responded.


"We need money, Forest. Stop asking so many questions."

He didn't say anything else and pressed play on his video he'd been watching.

I took a photo of the shoes and posted it on Instagram, asking if anyone would want to purchase them. Instantly I got a few DMs.

Devyn.isthatbitch: really 😭 his fine ass bought them for you and you're selling?

samaadtyrone_:I can get these for my girl 👀 you'll take 120?

ShawnaStayLitt: $130?

I got a few more offers, but I won't accept one until I know I got the very highest.

I glanced at the box with Braden's number written on it. I felt bad for straight up selling his gift to me like that, but I gotta do it.

I decided to just shoot him a text.

|Me: |
Thanks for the gift, much appreciated👌🏽

|Braden: |
Glad you liked. Send a pic when you wear them ❤️


|Me: |
Well...I kind of sold them, don't take it personally though Braden. Money is tight with me and my brother.

|Braden: |
Shit, money is tight? That's all you had to say baby. I got you.

Where does he get this money from?

|Me: |
No I don't want to borrow money from you...

|Braden: |
This ain't a loan, it's a gift. And if need be, it could be a gift that keeps on giving, you know what I mean?

No way he'd..
He must want something in return.

|Me: |
I'm not sure what I have to do for this money, but I don't think I'm interested.

| Braden: |
I'm not that kind of guy who pays for sex, if that's what your saying. I don't want a service in return, just want you and your brother to be straight. Although..a date would be nice. 🙂

There's no way I could say no to this. Even if Chris and I were gonna work things out, I need this money. This date might help me get it faster.

|Me: |
Lol alright, it's a date then.

what does Braden do for a living? He got cashhh bih

oh yeah midterms done came back for another ass whooping 🤣 it's hard out here

I have some new things in my drafts, one complete story, one not. I'm thinking I'll publish one but I can't decide!!! I'm not gonna tell y'all what they about but I'll tell you the titles and pls vote on one




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