27. "But you did."

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sorry if the sex is awkward it felt weird writing about virginity loss (spoiler alert lol soz)


I choked on my words.


"Why wait, Chris?"

"What about prom? And...where would we do it at? My dad thinks we're about to leave."

Before I knew it her hand was on my dick. In the car?

"Bri you gotta chill, we can't do this is my dad's car."

"Alright alright." She said, but not moving her hand.

"Quit fucking with me, you're gonna regret it."

She mumbled something under her breath, but STILL didn't move her hand.

"Do you want to repeat that?"

"Nothing nothing. Let's get a move on, we got places to be and bitches to stunt on." She said adjusting her dress.


After driving for a while, we made it to the front of the school. I could already see girls entering with their dresses. They looked amazing..I started to feel self conscious, but that's impossible when Chris is around.

"Pshh this is our competition babe? I was expecting them to do better than this."

"We aren't competing Chris, now let's hurry and go inside."

We both went inside together and we got a couple of glances from people him and I knew. So far so good.

"Bria! You look good girl!" Louise from biology yelled to me. I thanked him, and Chris and I continued to search for a table to sit. Prom had just started, usually they announced King and Queen first, then for the rest of the night students would freak dance until an administrator told them to stop.

I didn't plan to do any of that though, my plans were already set for tonight.

"Do you want to go to the last minute voting table?" Chris asked me. Neither of us cared about king or queen very much, despite both of us being nominated.

"Nah you go ahead. I'll get us drinks."

We separated and I went to the table where they were serving refreshments. There was a lemonade and a punch option, but the punch was this odd green color...so I got us both lemonade.

Being president of the prom committee, I was supposed to be here on the last days before prom and have a final say on things like that..but with all the shit going on I found myself not caring about it. So Lincoln took over.

I grabbed us both a lemonade and returned to the table, where Chris was already sitting.

"That was fast." I told his as I set our drinks down.

"There wasn't many people voting, most people already did."

"Who did you vote for?"

"I know you didn't want to be queen but I couldn't help but vote for you. I voted for this random guy for king."

Just as I was going to scold him for voting for me, I saw a girl in a burgundy dress walking towards our table. Great.


"You sure this will do it?" I asked Trey, the known drug dealer for the senior class.

"Positive." He said shoving the pill in my hand.

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