9. "I have to go home."

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We were back in school— and it was once again fourth period, biology. We'd been assigned a lab to do, dissecting a fish...but Mrs.Taylor had called Christopher and I outside the classroom.

"So..someone in the class told me that you two have a little thing going on?" She asked.

"Mind your business-" Christopher began to say.

"No ma'am, we don't." I said interrupting him.

Lord knows he didn't need yet another detention.

"Well Brianna just to be safe, I will be switching your partner to avoid any distractions that you two may cause each other." Mrs. Taylor said putting emphasis on 'distractions.'

"Ms. T-"

"Uh? She just said nothing's going on. I don't want a different partner-"

"Christopher don't take that tone with me. Your new partner is Devyn. Bria, your new partner is Samaad."

"Please not Samaad, you don't understand-"

"Go take a seat and begin on your lab." She said re entering the classroom. I followed behind her, and Chris behind me.

I'm guessing she'd already told Devyn and Samaad about the switch, because each of them had empty seats next to each other..Devyn with a smirk on her face. I instantly realized..the "person in our class" who told Mrs. Taylor about me and Chris's relationship, was her.

I took my seat next to Samaad, fuming with anger.

"Look, I know things between us didn't exactly end well..but I'm glad partners got switched. I had to listen to Devyn complain everyday about how jealous she is of you."

"Why would she be jealous of me?"

"Duh, you and Chris. Pshh who knew it would be you two that ended up together, I thought you didn't even like each other."

"Well. We do."

"How did that even happen? You know...you two." He said, disregarding our assignment. Looks like I'll be doing all the work.

"He was at my house..and we just..I don't know. We're together now, that's what matters."

"Mhmm. And I suppose you'll be going to prom together?" He asked, expecting me to say no.



Devyn was talking my head off about how she "misses me" and is "sooo sorry for what she did" but I wasn't hearing it. By now, me and Bria's fake relationship felt like more than just something to get rid of a rumor...it was revenge.

"I heard she's running for prom queen. You're on the ballot too Chris."


"I'll be sure to vote for you, that way when I win Queen you can be King." Devyn said trying to touch my face.

"And what if Bria wins?"

She laughed and ignored my question.

"So she's going to be your prom date huh, or will you guys even last until then?"

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