Chapter 4

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        Elizabeth continued to stare at me until we heard a voice booming through speakers, telling us that VIP could now enter the private room. I quickly grabbed her hand and winked at her as we ran to the huge double doors. I was beyond nervous. I pushed my way inside, pulling Elizabeth behind me. It was a medium sized room, with a stage along one wall, and a guard rail lining it. There were maybe half a dozen guards spread out. The boys weren't here yet, but along the back of the stage stood a huge screen flashing the boys' pictures.

        "Oh Jesus Christmas." I heard Elizabeth say as we walked to the gates. Thankfully there was only about 50 girls with VIP. "This is better than the One Direction concert and this hasn't even started!" Elizabeth whispered to me. We took a spot along the gate centered right in front of the stage.  I was switching from foot to foot being beyond nervous, even more than a few minutes earlier. Why? I already had met the guys, but this was different.

           I can't believe we made it here. After months of scrambling for tickets, holding tickets online for 20+ minutes, and nearly dying in the buying process, here we were. Standing in front of the place where soon all my idols would be standing, looking down on me. I was suddenly interrupted from my thoughts when I heard a tall, pretty girl to my left say "I'm glad we got these tickets to come see Taylor. Like who are all these other boys? I don't even know who this Shawn kid is. Oh, nevermind that's Hayes' brother! Duh me!" And she giggled like the stupid little rich girl she was.

        This was why I knew this was one of our last chances to come here. Soon it would be full of all these little rich newborns who only knew one of two of the boys. Like seriously? How do you not know who Shawn Mendes is? I shook my head and turned to Elizabeth. I saw that she had heard her too, and her face looked like she had swallowed a lemon.

        She glared at the girl and said, "Um, excuse me, irrelevant little girl, but you are at MAGCON. Shut your little face before I throw you over the gate. Thanks." She gave a huge smile and flipped her hair off her shoulder. The girl opened her mouth and quickly closed it, narrowing her eyes at Elizabeth. She walked away to the left of the stage, obviously knowing Elizabeth was serious.

           I turned back to her and we started laughing, clutching our stomachs. I had always loved the way she said what she wanted, even if it was silly. We barely heard the announcer introduce Nash. Elizabeth looked up quickly and started screaming. Like, as if her life depended on it. When Nash walked by, he grabbed her hand and gave her a hug through the gate. He winked and kept going on to the other girls, then moved up to the stage, still staring at her.

        Elizabeth swiveled around to face me, and firmly said, "Oh that boy will be mine before we go home tommorow. Even if we only have Priority."

        I laughed and said, "Obviously, he's still lookin at you!" We waited patiently, screaming at each guy that ran past us, Cam gave me a kiss on the cheek, and Shawn give me the cutest smile I've ever seen. He continued to look at me, all the way through the other girls, up to the stage, and after all the boys were introduced. Oh gosh, I'm doing it again.

        I want Cam, he's my favorite. He has been for, well forever! Cam did look AMAZING today. Blue was definitely the best color on him. He couldn't be more irresistable. Even as he rocked back and forth on his feet, as he scanned the crowd. He didn't even have to try. Gosh I hoped he picked me to come onstage. I immediately shook the thought from my head. There were plenty of other girls here, and I'm sure he was that sweet to every girl. He was just that kind. Suddenly the other boys broke apart in different directions, obviously looking for a girl for each of them to bring onstage. My heart froze as I saw Cam walk off and head my way, but he stopped a few feet short, in front of another girl. He smiled at her, but stayed in place not saying anything.

        I moved to get a better view and saw that she was holding onto his left arm in a death grip. Cam politely pulled his arm free, and quickly moved in front of me. He smiled and said, "You didn't really think I would choose anyone else, did you?" He motioned with his head to the gate opening about 20 feet away to our right. I silently nodded and sprinted to the opening.

           Cam found me on the other side and grabbed my hand, pulling me up on stage. I smiled like a idiot, but who wouldn't? I was trying not to be one of those girls who screamed. I was trying to just be silent, but holy shit I could barely breathe. He stood behind me and I quickly looked around to see who else was up here. Taylor, Nash, and Shawn were the only ones who were still off the stage finding someone. All the other boys had chosen theirs, all of which were stunning. I even noticed a few from twitter, which made me feel even better.

         Shawn was looking lost walking past all the girls, and I saw him up and at me and his face fell. He picked a girl standing directly in front of him, she had long blonde hair lying over her Shawn Mendes baseball tee. Her and Shawn fit together well actually, there was no question why he had chosen her. Somewhere inside me, I felt jealous. Of them.

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