Chapter 2- Awful Mother and Jason Diaz

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My mom usually ignores me but when she notices me she starts lashing out and basically screams at me for what feels like an eternity.
Once in a while I get a slap. Sometimes I don't understand her. She was such a great mother before they died but now. Well she treats me like sh*t. And I let her.

Mom: "Winter you ugly girl where are my KEYS!" She tells from downstairs. I run down and start looking. I find them in a drawer and hand them to her quickly.
Mom: "Finally, your getting slow. Omg ew! Your probably just really fat right? That's way you always wear sweatshirts." She says looking at me in disgust.
Winter: "Have a good day at work." I say and her disgust face turns into a smirk.
Mom: "Listen girl you have 1 B+ and the semester ends in 2 days so you better move that up. If you don't get straight A's like how I used to get, then there will be consequences." She then walks away towards her car. She gets in her car and drives away. I shut the door and go to my room.

My room is really small and gray but it's ok. I have a twin sized bed and my backpack in here. I also have 3 books from the library at my school. I have nothing to do but homework and reading since my mom takes everything that makes me happy away.
She took my dresses and skirts away.
She took away my drawings.
She took away all of my colored pencils and sketch pads.

And she took the thing I valued most away. Her love for me.
All I ever wanted was to please my mom, but after a year ago I stopped trying to please her and just did what she said. I don't feel many emotions now, all I feel is sadness. And guilt.
I run upstairs and put on some leggings and a dark blue sweatshirt because that's all I have. 5 sweatshirts and 5 leggings.

My mom is filthy rich but all she does is takes, takes, takes, and mostly from me. I barely have anything as I told you what was in my room so you probably can tell. I've never showed her my books from school because then she would take my library card away.

I rush downstairs and walk to school. School is only 3 blocks so that's why I walk. When I get to school I go through the back entrance every day because if I go through the front I'll get bullied more than 1 time but if I go through the back I'll only get bullied once.

I walk in and Jason Diaz the bad boy of our school walks past me with his posse and trips me. I fall to the ground they start laughing.
Posse member 1: "Oh no did the nerd trip?!"
Posse member 2: "Wearing those clothes again are we? I know your moms filthy rich so why are you pretending to be poor?" I stand up and Jason looks me right in the eyes and smirks.
Jason: "To get attention." Then they walk away and I continue to go to my locker.
I quickly get the things I need out and put my backpack in my locker. I run to class.

Teacher: "Hello Winter, here early again?" I nod and she continues.
Teacher: "You know every morning you have 15 minutes to be in the hall with your friends." I nod again and she walks back to her desk. As a few boys come in they knock my stuff over and I don't bother looking up because I already know who it is.
Teacher: "I hope that was an accident Mr.Diaz."
Jason: "Oh man, I'm sorry Winter. Here." He hands me my books that fell with his smirk. I was about to take them but he slams then on my desk and takes his seat behind me. When he sits down he kicks my chair and I gasp. The people in the room look at me weirdly and I stare down at the ground. Then the bell rings.

Teacher: "Take your homework out seniors." I take my homework out and hand it to the teacher. She smiles and takes it. Then I hear her from behind me talking to Jason.

Teacher: "Mr.Diaz were is your homework?"
Jason: "I honestly don't know. Would you accept my dog ate my homework?" Everyone laughed except me. The teacher spins around.
Teacher: "Thank you Winter for not laughing, the rest of you should be ashamed." Everyone turns to me and glares. I hang my head down so I can't see all their eyes on me.

The teacher moves on to collect other homework and Jason whispers in my ear brushing against my brown hair.
Jason: "Teachers Pet." He goes back to his seat slowly and the teacher looks over.

Teacher: "Is there anything wrong Winter?" I shake my head and she starts to teach.

52 boring minutes later the bell rings and I walk out as fast as I can. My next class is Math, the class with the B+ and I need to get an 100% on this test because it's the last one until the semester ends. So basically this determines our final scores. I'm just glad that Jason isn't in this class, but he is my next one. Great. I walk into Math the first one there like always and start looking through my notes again.
I looked over and prepared for this test all night. I mean there's nothing better to do in my room so I kinda had to but oh well.

One guy from Jason's posse (his name is Mason) sits next to me during the test and looks at my paper so I move it over and angle it so he can't see it. He looks at me mad.

You'll pay for that later, he mouths.

I gulp and continue working as he rolls his eyes at me and tries to solve the problems.

Another 52 boring but productive minutes later we had in our tests and leave as the bell rings.
Mason comes up to be as I walk out of the classroom and blocks my way. I look down at my shoes as I feel his eyes staring at me.

Mason: "You better meet me at the trash cans in the back of the school after lunch hour. Understood?"
I nod and he lets me pass. I go to my locker and run to Social Studies.
I walk in and everyone turns. Probably because I'm the last one to walk in which usually never happens. I take my seat which thank goodness is on the other side of the room from Jason. To be honest him and his posse bully me the most. I used to think only girls could bully girls but that's not true.

The teachers starts talking and I listen to every second of it. If I don't keep my grades at A's my mom gets mad at me like this morning.  She then says we have partners. What! Everyone starts whispering things like 'I wonder who will be Winters partner' and 'I hope I'm not Winters partner' but I know people like to be my partner because they make me do all the work.

Teacher: "Tyler and Megan, Lucy and Kate..." Then the two last names. Before the teacher says me and the other person everyone gasps and turns to Jason.

Teacher: "Winter and Jason."
My partner is the bad boy that bullies me, how can my life get any worse?


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