Chapter 33- Goodbye for now

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This chapter is dedicated to Hatay46 , Writer01302005 , and pinkyrosejem because they make me laugh!

Me and Jason end up going to a water park with Maria and Garret for 3 days before Jason leaves for the military. We have a lot of fun except that Maria and Garret like to do a lot of public affection, in other words they thought it was fun to kiss underwater every 10 minutes. When we got back after the three days we all had dinner with Jason's/My family. Me and Jason kept falling asleep in each other's arms after movies and it was the best feeling waking up to see him.

But then the day that he left for a year came.

We are bringing down his suitcases. He has two and we each carry one down. We put them in the taxi he ordered in silence. He goes around hugging everyone and saying goodbye. Me, Sophia, John, Maria, Garret, Lance and Kieth are here to say goodbye. Once he gets to me without warning or anything he pulls me into a kiss. It's passionate but sweet which is perfect for right now.

Lilly: "Ew."

Sophia: "Aw!"

Maria: "You guys are adorable but you two seriously need to get a room!"

Lance: "Haha!"

Keith: "Shut up Lance."

Lance: "I will not shut up until you shut up!"

Kieth: "Idiot."

We pull away and he gives me a sad smile.

Jason: "Goodbye, for now."

Winter: "Goodbye for now." He waves to everyone and gets into the cab.

I feel an arm around my shoulder and look to see Maria.

Maria: "He'll be back." I nod.

Winter: "I can't loose another person. And I know he will." She hugs me and we all go back to do what we need to do. I get packing since I'm going to Duke University which is in North Carolina. It's a 16 hour flight and I've got my clothes and makeup packed but I need to pack my books. I get done at around 10 o'clock and go to sleep. I didn't eat dinner but I don't really care.


8 1/2 months later...

Winter: "Wow, I can't believe we only have one week until our first year of college is done!"

Molly: "I know right, I already have half my stuff packed."

Winter: "Your bringing everything home? I'm leaving most of my stuff here since we'll only be gone 3 months, I don't want to pack all over again."

Molly: "Okay lazy butt." I roll my eyes.

Molly is one of the friends I met this year. I have been doing pretty good in college considering my average grades for everything is 92%. Molly is like me she doesn't really do parties so me and her hung out the most studying while our other friends party every Friday night. Me and Jason Skype every Sunday and talk for about an hour. My therapy has gone really well which is great! I miss Jason and everyone back home so much and I can't wait to see them in a week.

Jason gets back about an hour after me so I'm going to decorate his room before he comes.

The week goes by way to slow which is super annoying but I get through it. And then I have my 16 hour flight, yay(sarcasm).

16 hours later...

I get off the plane and get my luggage. Then I walk outside. Maria and Garret are supposed to pick me up. Since they go to college in our state they don't live very far from the University. I hear a honk and turn around. I see them and I walk over. They get out and Maria rushes over and hugs me, tight.

Maria: "Omg! I haven't seen you since New Years when you came here! I've missed you so much! So, we're there any cute college boys at your college?" I swat her arm.

Winter: "We both have boyfriends you idiot." Garret comes over and just laughs. "Your not going to do anything about her?" I look at him and point to her.

Garret: "I'll give her a punishment tonight." He winks at her and I make a fake puke noise.

Winter: "Gross. Now let's go." Maria rolls her eyes.

Maria: "Like you and Jason have never done it."

Winter: "Actually we haven't. I'm a virgin." They both gasp.

Garret: "What?! Seriously?!" I nod. "Wow, he really loves you."

Winter: "What?"

Garret: "That means he hasn't had it in over a year. And he wouldn't cheat so he hasn't. Wow. That's a new record."

We get in the car and they drive me home. Once we get in the house everyone is there and they hug me and I go to my room. I asked Garret to go get a cake that says, "welcome back!" And me and Maria are decorating Jason's room. I bought streamers and balloons. We put them up and then I go change. I straighten my hair quickly too. (Picture above)

I hear a knock on the door and go downstairs all dressed up.

***Yay! There going to be together... again! Unless something happened to Jason?
Anyways have a good day, night, or whatever!
Love ya!!***

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