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~Jimin's Point Of View~

It's 3:00pm and it's just me and Yoongi in the dorm today, we are on the couch. I'm sitting up with my back on the arm rest with my feet up watching Yoongi play a game on his phone. Whereas Yoongi is lying down in between my legs with his head on the bottom of my belly and waist playing his game.

While he is playing I noticed that his top was up a little showing a little of his belly. He hasn't got big muscles or abbs but that doesn't matter to me, I don't get why he doesn't love his body, I mean I just want to touch it all day if I could. I slowly and casually moved my hands from his chest and placed them on the part of his belly that's showing.

However it doesn't look like he cares. So when my hands were on his little belly I started to move my hands which accidentally made his top move up even more showing a little more of his skin. Because of that he then looked up at me for a few seconds before going back to his game. But then I noticed the waist band of his boxer pants sticking out the top of his joggies. So I started to slip my hands down slowly and stopped when he looked at me again for a few seconds and back at his game.

So I then went down further until I got to his waist band of his boxers And started to play with it, with my fingers. He was dying in his game which was weird because he's that good at it he rarely dies. So when I seen someone was sneaking up on him I half shouted.

"watch out for that guy!" But it was no use he died.

"Wow you're getting bad at this game, you keep dying and you're normally good at it."

"Yeah I wonder who's fault that is." He said in a sarcastic tone so I looked farther down and my eyes widened. Min Yoongi has a boner! The bulge looks like it's about to explode out. So not knowing what had gotten into me I started to palm him gently as he started to moan quietly, O.M.G! I could actually cum right now from these. Damn. Moans. He's making. I then was palming him harder which only made him moan louder as his grey joggies are going a dark shade of grey from pre cum.

Suddenly the front door opened and the guys walked in Jungkook first(luckily he didn't see). So I quickly jumped off the couch pushing Yoongi to the floor and randomly shouted. "NO!" And ran off into Seokjin and I bedroom. As I just got in, shut the door and leaned on it while smirking. Yoongi got up, covered his wet bulge and screamed.


~Yoongi's Point Of View~

After when I screamed at Jimin I turned around to see everyone confused and Jungkook said.

"Umm.... What happened to make you scream at Jimin hyung?"

"Nothing.... Nothing happened."

"Oh okay, but umm hyung."


"Can I ask you something?"


"Why are you covering your.... You know.... Man part?"

I looked down and realised that I still need to sort it out. But I didn't know they would notice so I shouted. "Nothing!" And ran off into The bathroom. But before I shut the door I heard Jungkook saying. "I still don't get it!" Once I got into the bathroom and shut the door I was so annoyed with Jimin. I mean why touch me there if he's just gonna leave, I'm not gay or anything but who wouldn't get turned on if someone touches you there. And he never finished!

So I quickly got undressed and went in for a quick cold shower to fix my little problem.

💫1 Hour And 10 Minutes Later💫

It was around 6pm and I was really tired and nearly falling asleep. Until Namjoon came in and said.

"You know kookie is still like a little kid he doesn't click onto thing like these, he's too innocent.... However the rest of us aren't."

"What are you trying to say Namjoon, I'm tired I want to sleep."

"What I'm trying to say is we all have an idea of what's going on with you and Jimin." I then looked at him and frowned a little as I was a bit confused.

"What the hell are you talking about Namjoon?"

"What I'm talking about is if you and Jimin want to get physical. Please do it in a different room where kookie won't see it.... And it's okay to be gay or bisexual, we are here for you and Jimin."

"I'm not gay Namjoon."

"But you got a boner from Jimin-"

"No Namjoon your wrong, anyone who gets touch down there no matter who it is would get one."

"Hyung it doesn't work that way."

"Yes it does.... And if not it will be because since I became apart of BTS I never had a relationship with anyone. So I'm just sexually frustrated that's all."

"So you don't like Jimin in that way?"

"No why?"

"Because I think he does so please Yoongi. Tell him so he doesn't get led on and becomes attached to you.... well even more attached."

"Fine I will tomorrow." After we said our good nights I closed my eyes thinking if I lead Jimin on or not. Hopefully not because I would feel really horrible if I did. After 30 minutes of thinking darkness finally took over as I fell into a deep sleep.


This is one of the really old stories that I started and haven't finished and also was too scared to publish it. I did publish this once but I took it down now I'm re publishing it again.

I'm Not Gay//Yoonmin (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now