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~Third Person Point of view.~ 

The guys are still in the living room, watching TV peacefully. Until they heard a quite noise of a door opening slowly and a few pitter patter of feet getting closer and closer. The boys watching to see what's going on.

Suddenly a little head popped out at the door frame, all you could see is his eyes, forehead and a mop of hair. The guys just stared waiting for something to happen, a small soft voice was then heard.

"I smell cookies and cupcakes." Hoseok giggled as he said quietly but loud enough for everyone but Yoongi could hear.

"Cute." he giggles again, Taehyung nodding his head in agreement while pointing into the kitchen. Yoongi then speed walked to the kitchen and popped a little of his head into the kitchen. The three boys turned around and looked at him, Jimin with a small smile as he thought Yoongi looked so cute.

"Cookies.... Cupcakes." Jimin awed a little I'm his head because not only did Yoongi look cute but he sound cute too. Jimin even went to the extreme of thinking if Yoongi was ever a hybrid he'd be a cute cat. Giggling at his thought Jimin picked up some cupcakes placing them on  a plate and then picked up some cookies placing them on the plate too. When he was happy with the layout he happily gave the plate to Yoongi, Yoongi then came into the kitchen fully taking the plate off Jimin gently with a gummy smile on his face, but his smile fell when he seen the layout of it.

Jimin put two cupcakes in the middle of the plate, and put cookies around them in a heart shape. He then looked up at Jimin blushing slightly, as he said quickly.

"T-thank you Jim-jimin." Well more like stuttered, Yoongi ran out the kitchen, past the guys in the living room, and straight to his bedroom shutting the door and sitting on his bed. He had to get away as quickly as he can, as he didn't want to make more of a fool of himself from stuttering, he also didn't want Jimin to see his blush or for his blush to get worse. Because right now, he's a tomato.

Yoongi just stayed there staring at the plate of treats and smiled, he then took out his phone and took a few photos of it.

"I'm gonna look at it when I'm felling upset or down." He mumbles to himself as he started eating the delicious treats. Once he was finished, he skipped into the living room with a big smile on his face. As everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at him again.

They watched Yoongi skip over with a big smile and jumped on the couch next to Jimin, looking ahead at the tv while still having a big smile on his face. Everyone was confused as to why Yoongi's sudden mood changed so quickly.

"You bipolar or something?" Taehyung asked with a raised eyebrow. Yoongi looked over at him and started thinking, he then answered with a 'noPe' as he piped the 'p' and turned back around to watch the tv.

"Just happy that's all. I don't need to have a reason to be happy, I just am." He added on, not taking his eyes off the tv screen. Everyone still doesn't believe him but just let him be.

~Time Skip To Dinner~

They all sat around the table in the kitchen eating. Everyone joining in the conversations. Yoongi just sat here slowly eating his dinner and thinking, thinking about Jimin and if he should tell him or not. Or if he should tell the guys or not. A good five minutes has went past and He finally decided not to tell anyone, just to keep it to himself for now. He was still deep in thought about Jimin, and still eating his food slowly, until.

"Yoongi? Yoongi? YOONGI?!" He snapped out of his thoughts turning round to see everyone looking at him.

"Who shouted me?" He asked looking confused.

"Me. I was asking if you're okay, you've been zoned out since the start of dinner. What are you thinking about so hard?" Hoseok said. He just stared at him blankly then replied back.

"Nothing, I'm fine...." Yoongi looked down at his food then stood up slowly adding on.

"I'm not that hungry, I'm going to bed early. Night." He then walked out, into his bedroom and under his covers. Falling asleep.

In the kitchen everyone looked at the door, confused.

"I'll go check up on him after my dinner." Jimin said.

"I think that's a good idea, he's not on good terms with some of us." Jin said as he looked at Namjoon and Jungkook.

After his dinner, Jimin walked over to Young's shared bedroom and knocked on it. When he didn't hear anything after the second time, he just walked in, quietly shut the door and walked over to his bed. Before he could do anything Jin opened the door and put his head in.

"We're gonna go somewhere, good luck on getting Yoongi to talk." He whispered.

"Okay hyung." Jimin whispered back as Jin walked out of the room. A few seconds later the front door was heard and the whole place was silent.

Jimin then....

Not prove read.
Just thought I would write something quickly as I haven't updated this story in a while.

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